The lightning crackled across my skin, eager for direction. I focused on the sensation, on the urge to strike. I would be a beacon of hope, like Virion, and give everyone strength.

With a sense of urgency, the refugees continued to exit the cavern. Virion and Rinia had already led the main group towards an unknown destination, and my soldiers had swept the village twice. The only ones remaining were those crowded around the tunnel entrance, waiting for their chance to escape.

The air trembled with a shift in mana, and a bright light formed into an oval just beyond the last building at the edge of town. A cry of alarm went up from the crowd, and I dropped to the ground between the portal and the remaining people still trying to flee. The guards were yelling directions, urging them to move faster.

In a flash, a figure appeared. He was adorned in a pristine uniform, with inhuman eyes that took in everything in an instant.

The crushing weight of his intent was a sharp contrast to his immaculate appearance.

"Asuras!" I bellowed, my voice reverberating off the stone like a thunderclap. "You are no longer welcome in this place. Leave now, or—" But an intense pressure squeezed my chest, cutting me off mid-sentence.

"Silence, human," Windsom said, his expression and tone empty of empathy or regret. It was clear we were not on the same side of this war. "I have come with a proclamation from Lord Kezess Indrath of the Indrath Clan of dragons, chief among the asuras of Epheotus.

"Our alliance has failed," he continued, his words vibrating through the air and echoing back out at us from the tunnel mouth. Fearful shouts followed. "You have shown yourselves to be lacking in judgment and weak in faith. You are a danger to your own nation, to the future of your own races. For this, Lord Indrath has deemed it necessary to eliminate this sanctuary and all that reside within."

Without hesitation, I strode forward with my chin raised and a longspear of molded lightning crackling in my hand. "Your lord has no authority here. Go back to your home and leave us to ours. We'll win this war without you."

As Windsom looked at me, I could see his eyes slightly widen in realization of how much stronger I had become.

As Windsom raised his hand, my spear slowed to a standstill, as if time itself had frozen. His expression remained impassive as he effortlessly blocked my attack.

My body crackled with electricity as I channeled lightning through my limbs. The Thundercap Impulse heightened my reflexes and perception, allowing me to sense attacks from all directions before they even reached me. But even with this power, I could barely keep up with the asura's movements.

With a single step, Windsom's momentum changed, and the ground seemed to pull me towards him. I dodged sideways just in time to avoid his scything hand, but his black eyes tracked my every move.

His form blurred and he leaped inhumanly, too fast for me to react. I was suddenly hurtling towards the nearest building. The impact knocked the breath out of me as I crashed through it. Dust and debris filled my vision, and I heard the groan of shifting stone as the weight of the entire building came crashing down on top of me.

Gasping for air, I struggled to free myself from the rubble. But it was no use; I was trapped. I could feel the pressure of the debris crushing me, the weight of it pressing down on me with suffocating force.

I focused my energy, calling upon the power of lightning once again. The tendrils of electricity snaked out from my body, pushing against the weight of the rubble, trying to force it off me. But it was too much, and I could feel my strength waning.

With a final burst of energy, I managed to push the debris aside and crawl out from beneath it. My body ached, my muscles protesting as I struggled to stand. But I couldn't give up. Not now, not when everything was at stake.

As I struggled to stand up, a dark shadow enveloped me. I could feel his grip tighten around my neck as I gasped for air.

"You managed to break free from my spell?" Windsom's expression twisted in disbelief as he effortlessly lifted me up. My attempts to struggle against his hold were futile.

Electricity crackled around my body as I tried to blast him away, but the lightning dissipated harmlessly upon contact with his skin.

"To think such lesser beings could attain such strength," he muttered disdainfully. "Lord Indrath's decision to eliminate your kind is justified."

My eyes narrowed with anger, fueled by his condescending words.

"Thunderlord's Wrath," I hissed through gritted teeth, channeling every last bit of my energy into the spell.

My blood turned to lightning, coursing through my veins and bursting out of my wounds. White-hot light emanated from my eyes, illuminating the dark surroundings.

The deviant mana within me surged, infusing every particle of my being with power.

"Burn, you asura!" I roared, unleashing a searing bolt of lightning directly at Windsom.

As the white light dissipated, I struggled to focus my eyes, my body feeling numb and weak. My gaze fixed on Windsom, who stood unscathed, surrounded by coiling purple aether.

My strength began to wane, and I knew I was dying. But I also knew I had held Windsom back, even if just for a moment.

"Virion," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "I did it. I held him back."

A wave of relief washed over me as I felt myself slipping away, knowing that I had at least made a difference in the fight against the asuras.


The Council members dashed through the tunnels, closely following Virion's lead as we fled from the Asura that pursued us relentlessly. Despite my fear, I hoped that Bairon was still alive and holding the enemy back, even though the odds were clearly against him.

Suddenly, a deafening roar echoed through the tunnel as someone rushed past us, ripping apart the guards at the back without mercy.

The Asura emerged before us, his galaxy-like eyes scanning us with disinterest as he tilted his head slightly.

Pandemonium ensued as we scrambled to defend ourselves. Virion launched a surprise attack in his second stage of beast will, but the Asura dispatched him with ease, delivering a simple punch.

"I should dispose of the King first," the Asura said, grabbing me with his aether.

I gasped for breath as I tried to fight back with my silver stage mana, but his grip was unbreakable. In desperation, I activated the Integrate stage of my beast will, but it proved futile against his immense power.

As I felt my life slipping away, the other mages bombarded Windsom with their spells, but he seemed to relish in snuffing out my existence.

Grawder roared defiantly and charged at the Asura, ignoring my plea to run. Windsom snorted derisively before grabbing him by the neck and lifting him up effortlessly.

Without warning, a portal tore open behind Windsom, and three familiar figures stepped out. My heart lifted with hope, but it was short-lived as Windsom turned to face them, his galaxy-like eyes narrowed with anger.

Ice magic shot out from the newcomers' hands, stinging Windsom's skin and causing him to drop me. But it was too late. The asura had already inflicted irreparable damage on my body, and death was closing in.

As I lay dying, my bond snuggled closer to me, offering me his warmth even in the cold embrace of death. Despite the pain, regret gnawed at me, knowing I wouldn't be there to see the faces of the Asuras as Jude would tear apart their continent, just as they had done to ours.

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