192: Things I'm Fighting to Protect

Start from the beginning

"Then they aren't alone." Winter rubbed her head. "At least we're all safe..."

"Battered, bruised, but not dead," Meridian said amiably. "And only a day or so out from Salem. I'm sure some of us didn't think we'd make it this far. But I thought we would. Want to go for a stroll, Snow Tiger?"

"Where?" Weiss said.

"Just along the water," Meridian said.

Weiss shrugged. "I suppose it's better than all these rocks."

"Weiss..." Winter was about to say that was a bad idea.

"It's fine, Winter. Plenty of people will see," Weiss dismissed it. "It's just a walk."

She walked away without another word.

"Ah, she's growing up," Raven said in a fake tone. "Hello, Schnee."

"Raven," Winter nodded. "I see you survived. It's not surprising."

"Yes, somehow. The demon horses were a surprise," Raven said. [Road to El Dorado joke.]


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"Long story. We'll fill you in later," Raven shrugged. Then she shot Qrow a meaningful look.

Qrow glared at her. "Raven, take a walk."

"Oh, whatever." Raven walked away.

"I'll just go wash off now." Blake walked away also.

"Why are they all leaving?" Winter said.

"They figured out something happened." Qrow climbed into view. "So they're messing with us."

Winter stared at the fire. "I see..."

"Well, we made it out. Likstar says there's only one more major Grimm to worry about if we're going by the list," Qrow said. "I can't wait for that. But for now we're going to rest for a while. That was quite a hit you took earlier. You're lucky it didn't kill you."

"Not luck, I don't think," Winter said. "If I recall, someone intervened."

"I can't believe how close that thing was to just..." Qrow trailed off. "Well, it's not something I'd be bragging about."

Winter shrugged like she agreed.

"So..." Qrow said awkwardly.

Winter glanced up questioningly.

"About before..." Qrow said.

Winter glanced at him.

"I'm not going to retract it." Qrow held up his hands. "But things are complicated enough... If you don't want to talk about it anymore, till this is over, I... would understand that. Might be better that way. I still can't believe you're even considering it, but..."

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