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Kevin's party was perfectly set up and we were now waiting for him and his parents to arrive

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Kevin's party was perfectly set up and we were now waiting for him and his parents to arrive. The house was dark and the room was filled with all of his close family members waiting for his arrival.

Seeing Amir made me anxious. I was doing good with having no contact with him but seeing him had all those feelings that I pushed down coming back up.

"They're pulling up!" Yuri hollers before pulling her head away from the curtains.

Everyone scrambled into a discreet area or somewhere they could hide. I hid near the light switch so I could be able to turn them on when we yell surprise.

A few minutes later the jiggling of the door knob and distinct conversation from the other side of the door could be heard.

The door opened and inside walked Kevin and his parents. At the same time everyone jumped from out of their hiding spots, yelling, "Welcome back home!"

I turned the lights back on and there Kevin stood along with his parents with a wide smile on his face. We connected eyes and it seemed like his smile grew wider.

They walked further into the house and Yuri ran into his arms along with Sekani, giving him a big hug.

"I missed your dirty ass." Yuri smiled while hugging her brother tight.

"I'm not dirty lil' girl. And I missed you too." He laughed.

Sekani just stood there quietly holding onto his brother tightly as if he would be gone if he let him go.

I decided to fall back and give Kevin space so he could talk to all his family members first. I made my way upstairs and into Kevin's room so I could finish setting up his room.

I wanted to decorate his room a little bit and have my gift basket sitting on the bed waiting for him for when he comes into his room.

I did a few more finishing touches with the balloons and other little decorations I had set up before sitting the gift basket on the middle of his bed.

My head turned towards the door once I heard it click. Kevin came into the room and I gave him a small smile.

"What's all this?" He asks while walking farther into the room.

damn, he looked good

He had on a simple Nike tech fit with a pair of jordan 3's and he looked too fine.

"Surprise," I chuckled. "I was tryna get it all finished before you came up here."

"This look nice as hell, Ki. Thank you." He pulled me into a hug and inhaled the smell of his cologne.

And he smelling good like this??

"No problem. I wanted your welcome home to be the best." I was cheesing hard by now. We pulled away and he took a seat on his bed and I sat next to him.

"It would've been better if you was one of the first few people down there to give me welcome home hug." He joked and I chuckled.

"I was tryna give you space so ya' folks could get there hugs in and everything."

"It's cool. I like that you was thinking like that."

"No problem. How you feeling so far? Nothing hurts or anything?" I ask.

"I'm good, Ki. I promise." He says while looking into my eyes.

"Okay, good. I don't need you falling on me again. Last time your heavy ass almost brought me down right with you."

He licked his lips and laughed. "My fault for that."

"It's cool." I mutter.

We sit in a moment of silence before I turn around and grab the gift basket I made for him, sitting it on my lap.

"I got you this."

"You ain't have to get me anything, Ki." He tried to hide the smile that was forming on his face but I could tell he was excited for real on the inside.

"I know but I wanted to. You deserve it." I give him another hug and this time before pulling away I leave a kiss on his cheek.

He looks up at me before placing his hand on my jaw and pulling me into a kiss. I kissed him back and his hand slipped down to my throat, pulling me in closer.

"Next time you try to kiss me, do it right." He says while pulling away. "Thank you for the gift."


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