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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


My mom sighed and shook her head. "I'm trying to give that lady the benefit of the doubt but she is a damn mess."

"I'm trying too but it isn't like shes acting like this because of Kevin's death. She's been like this. Do you think she resents me?"

Who could blame her though? To find out your child died in a car accident and the girlfriend you don't even like survives—it's hurtful.

"She can't take it out on you. It isn't fair to you or the baby. When the baby gets here how will she treat him/her?"

I stayed silent. My mom was making valid points. I didn't want any mistreatment coming towards my child at the hands of someone who is supposed to be family.

It's bad enough my child is already going to be growing up without his father in his life.

"Exactly." My mom says.

I sighed.

I hope I'm making the right decision. I don't want to mess up my baby's life.

"What's wrong?" My mom asks, placing her hand on my knee.

I leaned back on the hospital bed and took a deep breath.

"I just hope I'm making the right choice. I want this baby to have a good life. I want to be a good mom." My eyes watered.

I missed Kevin. He would find the right words to help ease my mind and comfort me. I missed feeling his arms around me. All the random late night talks. I missed it all.

"Baby," my mom stood up and leaned down so she could give me a hug. "Don't worry. Don't stress yourself about the future because all you'll do is stress. I know you'll be a beautiful mom. Regardless if Kevin was here or not."

I sniffled and nodded.

"Do you think I'm a good mom?" She pulls back and looks at me.

"Of course." I answer with no hesitation.

She smiled. "Then I know you'll be a great mom."

The door was knocked on before it had opened. The doctor poked her head in. "Good Afternoon, Miss Bell?"

"Yes, Hi." I gave her a small smile, wiping away the tears that were about to fall out my eyes.

My mom took a seat and the doctor walked farther into the room.

"I'm Dr. Wilson. I'll be your OBGYN throughout your pregnancy. Unfortunately, Dr. Street has retired and has handed all her cases over to me. I know you don't know me well but I assure you I'm equipped to handle your case as I studied directly under Dr.Street throughout my internship and residency."

"Oh, we'll that's great. Im glad we got someone that's familiar with Dr. Street. I'm Mrs. Bell, Kiana's mom."

"Nice to meet you. Is dad around?" Dr. Wilson turns on the computer that sat in the corner of the room and began typing.

"He passed." I answer.

Dr. Wilson frowns and looks over at me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry for your loss. I know this may not be something you want to hear but having a strong support system with help you thrive throughout this pregnancy."

My mom speaks up. "Of course, and our family is ready to support."

"Great," Dr. Wilson smiles. She puts her gloves on and walks over to the ultrasound machine. "Let's take a look at this little guy."

"Can you life your shirt for me?"

I nodded and folded my shirt up.

"Okay, now this is a little cold." She warns before squeezing the jelly on my stomach.

I flinch at the coldness of the jelly but soon relax as I get used to it. She grabs the probe and begins moving it around my stomach.

I look up at the screen anticipating on seeing my baby. I see the form of a baby pop up on the screen and I look over at my mom and she's looking at the screen with same look in her eyes as I did.

We were in awe.

"Here's your baby right there. There's the foot. And the arm. His nose." I smile as I watch Dr. Wilson continue to point out all of my baby's body part.

"You're thirteen weeks so in about three or four more weeks we'll be able to tell the gender."

"Okay," I smiled.

This is my baby and I'd do anything to make sure he or she has a good life.


I walked into he house and squealed when I saw Kiara sitting comfortably on the couch. She was supposed to be moving back into her dorm on campus.

"What are you doing here? I missed you."

Kiara gets up and pulls me into an hug. "I missed you too. And I thought I'd come up to see you after your first appointment."

"Thank you. How's it feel to be a junior in college now?"

Kiara shrugs. "It feels normal. Im glad it's almost over. How's the baby? Any ultrasound pictures?"

The door opens back up and my mom walks in. "Oh just forget about me, huh?"

"Hi, mommy." Kiara runs over and gives my mom a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I missed you too."

"Mmhm. I missed you."

"So where's the pictures?" She repeats with a huge grin on her face.

I pull them out of my purse and hand it to her. I cheesed hard as I watched her hush over the pictures.

Im blessed to have a support system like them.

not proofread so looks like Kiana is keeping the baby👀 i didn't want it to be a big thing so I casually just slipped it in

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

not proofread
so looks like Kiana is keeping the baby👀 i didn't want it to be a big thing so I casually just slipped it in.

So pick a letter: A or B

Whichever letter gets the most votes will be the gender.

KEVIN'S HEARTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang