As expected, all eyes glue to my body like magnets. The way they all drag their gaze down every luscious curves in sight has me shuddering hard in disgust. Perverts! I internally scoff, sipping the champagne some more as a distraction.

Clutching the glass tightly in my hand, I twirl the content in it and glance around the place until my eyes land on Kane flirting with an extremely gorgeous woman who seems to be falling for his charm, fast. I roll my eyes and look around again. There in the midst of a couple of ladies is Wayne. Men! I think. He says something that makes them giggle. I'm sure they all have dates. Though I'm not surprised they are gathered around Wayne like horny bees. Wayne is one hell of a fine man with a fair amount of piercings and tattoos that makes him look more attractive. His killer smile is a total panty dropper and don't get me started on his ultramarine colored eyes.

I've never seen anyone with those color of eyes before. It's pretty rare. I can't deny how beautiful they are.

Like he can feel my gaze on him, his eyes darts to mine and he winks. I scowl and turn away from him so he wouldn't see the smile that threatens to form on my lips.

My eyebrows knit together in confusion at the slight commotion going on right in front of the entrance. Paparazzi swarm around someone who just walked in, flashing their camera and bombarding numerous questions at the important person.

Security men dressed in black suit and dark shades drive away the paparazzi so they wouldn't disturb whoever is in their midst or make any other ruckus.

I angle my head to the side to catch a glimpse of the person who everyone seem to highly regard, and then my breath freezes in my lungs at the sight of him. He's dressed in an expensive three piece black suit. His hair is tied back neatly in a man bun, revealing the tattoo in ancient Japanese writing at the back of his neck when he turns to converse with a married couple with his usual impassive look on his face.

The man is pure sex appeal and he knows it — an erotic fantasy coming to life. I'm sure every woman present here fantasize about how it would feel like to end up in his bed and let him fuck them into oblivion. Except me of course. Keep telling yourself that, My subconscious taunts me.

Keep your mind out of the gutter, Rayne. Don't forget who he is and what he is capable of doing to you and your loved ones if you so much as think of defying him.

But damn, that's a man right there. I wonder what he's got all the way down—Goddamit, Rayne. Enough already. Look away before he catches you staring.

But then, I'm not lucky. When have I ever been lucky?

Aran locks eyes with me before I have the chance to look away. His piercing obsidian black eyes are so enigmatically deep and crepuscular yet so strange in a way I can't seem to understand. They electrify me to the spot, pinning me with a look that's extremely parallel to lust but it is much more unambiguous and brutal.

Slowly, those eyes skid down the length of my body, devouring every inch of me. They don't linger too much but it's enough to have my body sizzling with heat. I squeeze my legs shut upon feeling my pulse thunder so heavily I feel a certain wetness pooling in my panties.

Goddammit, Rayne. What the hell is wrong with you? This man is dangerous.

I take my time to admire his body as well, every inch of covered muscles I wish to feel under my finger tips and explore with my tongue. Rayne you shameless little hussy, My subconscious taunts me.

All the lascivious feelings rushing through me comes to a halt at the sight of the hand clinging unto his bicep. My eyes darts to the woman next to him, smirking with obvious pride gleaming in her eyes at the attention she's receiving from just being his date to the gala. The excitement on her face makes it seem like she just won the lottery.

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