"Yea cause my mans is right" he said in a duh tone and dropped the bottle he was drinking out of in the trash can right next to him.

I realised that I didn't even post a lil story on the gram of how I looked right now, I fixed my position on the chair and sat further up so I was closer to the light, I took out my phone and went onto IG, I put on the camera and quickly fixed my hair.

My hair was kinda slicked at the top cause of the wax and moose I had put on it so I wouldn't get a lot of flyaways I flattened it out and put the hairs behind my ear, "oh! My jacket" I mumbled under my breath and looked around the room for it.

I had left it on the coat hanger by the exit but Nas was standing right next to it and I'm tolerating us being in the same vicinity but to be right next to him is pushing it.

"Gotti can you quickly pass my jacket" I asked him cause he was the closest to it other than Nas, he nodded his head and took the jacket off the hanger and passed it to me, thanking him I stood up to put on the jacket and quickly fixed myself.

I sat back down and began to take my vids every vid was about two-three seconds long cause the longer I go the more awkward the video gets, I rewatched all the videos back and looked for the best one.

The song was coming to end so Kay's time on stage was officially coming to an end and Blu started to get ready for his lil performance, "Ion know why Leilani acting ao unbothered like her man ain't coming back out" Blu laughed and took the mic from that same lil boy from before.

Rolling my eyes I took my attention off my phone "suck my dick".

"Nah but you can suck Kay's" he joked and I picked up the half empty water bottle and threw it in his direction and it hit that beer gut of his, "aye when I come back it's up" he told and switched places with Kay as they called him out to the stage.

Kay came back and he wasn't as sweaty as I thought he would be he just some sweat dripping down his forehead he took the towel from that same lil boy and wiped his face in it I didn't even realise he was wearing a white tank top.

Looking away from him my eyes landed on Setty and no surprise he was looking at me with a smile on his face sucking my teeth I looked back at my phone and posted the video to my story.

I went through my camera roll to post a lil photo dump of the bloopers and then the actual serious pictures that me and Shania took before we left the house, I put my phone away already feeling the need to smoke a blunt.

"We allowed to smoke back here?" I asked anyone who wanted to listen.

"Yea" Gotti mumbled and I didn't waste anytime taking my lil tube that had my two blunts in it out my purse, I flipped the cap open and tipped the tube over so one of them could fall out.

The blunt dropped in the palm of my hand so I closed the lid and put it back in my purse then took out my lighter I lit my blunt and made sure that I put it right back in my purse cause if I lose it here there ain't no going back.

Putting the lighter away I zipped up my purse, I did my three big inhales and held the smoke in my lungs before I blew it out and rested my head on the wall behind me, I closed my eyes and all of a sudden it felt like I was smoking a cigarette.

Ion know why every time I smoke I always pretend as if I'm stressed out, ain't got no money and no food to put on the table.

Opening my eyes I was met with Kay, Dougie and Setty getting sturdy in the middle of the room.

me, u& hennessy | K.FNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ