"Remus you are quite literally a wolf whistle as you are a wolf who was whistling," I cackled.

If a dog could laugh, Sirius would be cracking up. Instead he was rolling around on the floor. Everyone else was snickering while Remus glared at me before laughing.

I looked over to see who the other people that walked in were. I walked over to McGonagall and gave her a quick hug.

"Congratulations Potter you succeed in being a right pain in my ass," she sighed.

"Awww love you too Minnie mouse also what can I say, look at who my parents were and who my uncles are."

McGonagall sighed, "only the daughter of James Potter and Lily Evans and the Nephew of Remus Lupin and someone else would end up riding on the back of a dragon."

"Correction, only the daughter of my parents and the neice of Remus and his FIANCÉ would get to ride a dragon and get labeled as a dragon friend." I smirked.

"Harry, you were labelled as a dragon friend," gasped Dumbledore, who stood in the doorway with Snape.

"Lupin, you're engaged?" Snape asked. His voice was the same as usual however his black eyes gave off a look of curiosity.

"Yes I am," Remus grinned broadly.

"God dammit, I owe Potter five galleons." McGonagall cursed, handing me the money.

"Come to think of it, didn't you have a bet with the original order professor?" I asked smirking.

"Come to think of it I did, if Remus got engaged to a certain person I would owe all the original order members forty galleons."
Dumbledore recalled.

"Well if you had a bet with ALL the original members and since my parents are now dead, I believe I am owed eighty galleons."
I smirked causing Remus to chuckle. Sirius growled at Dumbledore before rolling around on the floor again.

"No, Remus you and..." Dumbledore gasped.

Remus nodded. I cakled with laughter as McGonagall stated, "looks as though I get forty galleons too. I don't know why you were so insistant that Remus and ... We're not dating it was so obvious. Sorry Remus."
McGonagall stated.

I walked over to Dumbledore and whispered quietly "maybe he was so keen on being the only gay person he refused to believe what was clear as day."

"How the bloody hell did you find that out," Dumbledore whispered urgently.

"Secret." I whispered.

"Um anyway, Mr Potter Professor Snape and myself need to speak to you in my office so will you follow me?" Dumbledore stated.

"Very well, I ask that Remus and the dog comes as well considering their position in my life. Also it is MISS Potter now - do I look like a strapping young gentleman to you?" I commented.

"Lily," whispered both Snape and Remus.

"My apologies MISS Potter, Mr Lupin and..."

"Dog brain?" Suggested Snape.

Sirius growled at Snape while I just chuckled.

"Is he wrong though snuffles?" I stated.

Sirius growled at me before licking my face.

"Mr Snuffles may accompany you to my office." Dumbledore finished.

I nodded then followed the headmaster as he turned to leave.

However, a lanky ginger prick ran into the tent.

"Harry what you did out there was amazing I -" Ron began however I shut him down quickly.

"Stop, you cannot run in here and act as though you haven't just talked to me for 3 weeks. Only my friends call me Harry so you should address me by my proper title...Lady Potter." I glared, my eyes cold.

"Harry mate I er..." Ron began however his eyes never left my breasts, "I wanted to say that I reckon the person who put your name in the goblet of fire is trying to do you in."

"Wow what great deduction skills I was not informed about this brand new information." I retorted sarcasticly.

Ron just stood there, staring at my boobs. I had had enough so I shouted "stop staring at my boobs."

"It's not my fault they're so big. I'm sorry..." Ron responded half-heartedly.

"Wow what an apology. Listen Ron we aren't friends anymore, we may be able to play an occasional game of chess if you can pull yourself together and stop staring at my boobs and give me a proper apology. Oh and you should know that I'll be spending a lot more time studying a I love to learn." I stated before walking out of the tent with Remus to catch up with Snape and my headmaster.

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