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-you had me convinced that you loved me-

-what a fucked up reality show-

When Bria wakes up, she's not in the Ministry of Magic anymore. There's a sterile smell in the air, bright lights burning her eyes, and a dull pain of her left leg.

"Bria? Are you awake?"

She hears rustling, and Bria can feel her body starting to come back to their senses. She wiggles her fingers, and tries to pry her eyes open. Someone helps her up into a sitting position, and she gathers enough strength to rub the gunk out of her eyes and see who's been talking to her.

It's Bran. "How are you doing?"

She yawns. "Fine, I suppose. What happened?"

"I'll tell ya what happened, kid," another voice says, and Bria turns to see that it's Moody.

"What are you doing here?"

Moody exchanges a look with Bran, and Bria turns her head back and forth at them in confusion.

"You shouldn't be here, Bran."

"Not only am I her brother, I'm also her healer-"

"No one should have to tell their baby sister this."

"Tell me what?" Bria demands. They're speaking to her as if she's not even here.

Bran is giving her a pained expression, while Moody takes a sip of his flask. He looks back at Bran. "You can come in after."

Bran nods, and to Bria's confusion he looks like he's on the verge of tears. He rubs Bria's shoulder, gives her a kiss on the top of her head, and leaves the room. Bria turns back to Moody. He takes a sip from his flask, and Bria realizes that he doesn't reek of alcohol like he usually does. 

"When did you stop drinking?" 

He holds the flask in his hands. "Who said I stopped?" 

"You don't smell as bad as you usually do." 

"I always knew you had a way with words, sweetheart." 

"No, seriously. Why haven't you been drinking?" 

He sighs, and takes a generous sip out of his flask. "Your brother told me that if I was going to be here, I couldn't be drunk. Said that it violated health and safety protocols." 

She nods, but doesn't voice her next question. If Bran had forbade Moody from drinking, why do it now? She knows this is the first time she's woken up, but surely that wasn't a strong enough reason for him to want to get drunk again. 

She decides to voice her next question. 

"What did you need to tell me?" 

"Do you remember what happened, kid?"

"I remember everything up until I passed out, obviously. My leg hurt so bad I was shocked that I was running on it for so long."

Moody takes a long sigh when Bria mentions her leg, and her head snaps to him. "It's something about my leg, isn't it?"

Moody's good eye darts to her left leg and Bria turns her attention to it too. While her right leg extends far down into the bed, her left leg stops about halfway, ending much higher than the right leg.

"Listen, kid, this isn't easy to say-"

But Bria doesn't pay him any mind, she rips off the blankets revealing her left leg, amputated from the mid-thigh down.

Real or Not Real {Harry Potter}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang