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-The Blue-

-i never could've seen you coming-

-i think you're everything I've wanted-

Harry couldn't ignore the strange feeling he had when he saw Ginny talking to Michael Corner. He didn't know that they had talked before, and he wonders briefly if Bria knew about them. The more he stands there thinking about it, the stranger he feels.

Is this is what it feels like when one is jealous? Was he jealous that Michael Corner was talking to Ginny? Did he wish that he were talking to Ginny instead? Harry can't quite figure it out.

He doesn't know if he wishes that he were in Michael's place, but he certainly didn't like Michael talking to Ginny anyway. Maybe that's him being jealous. Maybe he wants Ginny all to himself.

Or maybe it's because he's so used to Ginny always fancying him that he feels weird when he's not the object of her affections. Does that mean he likes Ginny if he's jealous?

The doors open before Harry can work out the rest of his thoughts. Cedric and Cho walk out first, then Fluer and Roger Davies, Krum and Hermione, and lastly, Harry and Bria.

Immediately when Harry and Bria cross the threshold, a flash blinds their vision.

Great. Rita is here.

The Champions walk over to their designated spots, and Harry settles his hands on Bria's waist while her hands come up to rest on his shoulders.

His palms are sweaty when he places them on her hips. He was nervous to dance in front of everyone, but it was more than that. He has never placed his hands on a girls waist before, and the thought terrifies him. Was he grabbing on too tightly? Or would it be weird if his hands were just barely grazing her?

It didn't help that Bria looks completely at ease, like always. Like she has done this a million times. He envy's her ability to remain calm and collected at all times. She looks up at him, and Harry feels flustered by the intimacy of it all. She gives him a smile to reassure him, but Harry doesn't think anything can quell his anxiety.

Before he knew it, the music starts. Harry tries to look at Bria, but realizes that if he wasn't looking at his feet he would mess up. So he looks at his feet, but it didn't really help. Either way, Harry still couldn't get the moves correctly.

He was useless.

Bria winces when Harry steps on her toe. She's wearing open toed heels, and he had stepped directly on them.

"Sorry," Harry says.

But Bria being the kind person she is, didn't let the pain show. "It's okay, but let's try and keep that to a minimum, hmm?"

Harry nods, and looks down to watch his feet.

"Don't look down," she whispers.

He looks up at her big bright eyes, and resists the urge to shudder at the intensity of them.

She smiles playfully at him. "It's okay, I got you. Just follow my lead."

"I thought I was supposed to be leading," Harry whispers back.

There's a playful glint in her eyes. Is she flirting with him right now? Harry can't tell. Girls are impossible to read.

"Well, good thing I know what I'm doing. Just follow my steps, it'll look like you're in charge."

Harry, in all of his nervousness, had managed to smile. This had made Bria very happy, for her sly smirk had turned into a bright grin.

Harry did as he was told, following her steps as she had lead them backwards. Merlin, was there anything this girl couldn't possibly do? It seems like she has a talent for everything.

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