Fifty Four

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-your beauty is beyond compare-

-with flaming locks of auburn hair and ivory skin and eyes of emerald green-

By the end of the first day of returning to classes after the break, the whole school has heard the news that Ginny and Dean have broken up.

Bria can't say she's surprised. After all, she witnessed it first hand. Even if she weren't in love with Harry, and believes that they had a chance together,

Apparently they had a big blowout in the middle of the common room, unafraid who might've listened. Ginny called Dean controlling, he said that she never cared about their relationship or him in the first place, she said he wouldn't let her be an individual.

According to Parvati who told Padma who to Bria, Dean told her that just because she's single doesn't mean that Harry would go for her.

So they broke up. And Bria waits for the other shoe to drop, waits for Harry to tell her that he loves Ginny, waits for him to beg Dumbledore and Moody to let them break up, waits for her to be left all alone.

But it never comes. A week goes by after their break up, and Harry and Bria are still, while it may be fake, dating. They hold hands, he kisses her on the forehead, they sit together at meal times.

They're still together, no matter how awkward things have become. The conversations are stilted, with either Ron or Hermione being forced to carry the conversation, a huge difference from the months doing the opposite.

More so, they don't seek each other out during their free time, away from prying eyes. Harry will spend his split time with Ron and Hermione, still refusing to talk to one another, and Bria will hangout with her Ravenclaw friends.

The distance between them is noticeable, no matter how hard Harry tries to pretend. She's heard the whispers around the halls or in the girl's bathroom, that her and Harry must be having a long-term fight.

She knows that she should bring this up with Harry, knows that she should find a solution and make their relationship believable again, but she can't be bothered.

So she lets the whispers grow, lets them fester until people begin to get used to the idea of them separate rather than together.

When it comes time for Apparation lessons, something that had opened up for all sixth year students, Bria and Harry don't stand by each other. Bria instead chooses to be with her Ravenclaw friends, while Harry is stuck in the middle between Ron and Hermione, who still refuse to talk to each other.

They ignore the looks they get from other students when they move across the room from each other.

"Good morning," the Ministry instructor says when all the students arrive and the Heads of Houses had called for quiet. "My name is Wilkie Twycross and I shall be your Ministry Apparition instructor for the next twelve weeks. I hope to be able to prepare you for your Apparition Tests in this time —"

"Malfoy, be quiet and pay attention!" Professor McGonagall barks.

Everybody looks around. Malfoy flushes into a dull pink; he looks furious as he steps away from Crabbe, with whom he appears to have been having a whispered argument. Bria glances quickly at Snape, who also looks annoyed, though Bria strongly suspects that this was less because of Malfoy's rudeness than the fact that McGonagall had reprimanded one of his House.

"— by which time, many of you may be ready to take your tests," Twycross continues, as though there had been no interruption.

"As you may know, it is usually impossible to Apparate or Disapparate within Hogwarts. The headmaster has lifted this enchantment, purely within the Great Hall, for one hour, so as to enable you to practice. May I emphasize that you will not be able to Apparate outside the walls of this Hall, and that you would be unwise to try. I would like each of you to place yourselves now so that you have a clear five feet of space in front of you."

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