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-For the First Time-

-understand how i'll be feeling that day-

-it's just like seeing her for the first time-

The Great Hall is buzzing with excitement. Everyone in from all three schools are here, waiting to see who will be their champion. Bria is particularly excited.

Rye had put his name in, along with Cedric Diggory and a few of their other friends. Even though she knows that Rye's ego will inflate even more than what it already is, she knows that he would enjoy being a Champion.

Well, more like he would enjoy being the center of attention.

Even though Bria is in Ravenclaw, her and Michael are sitting at the Hufflepuff table with her brother. This is much to Michael's disappointment, as Michael was eager to sweet talk some of the Beauxbaton girls.

Bria watches him as he looks over at the Ravenclaw table, jealousy rolling off of him as he watches Anthony Goldstein and Terry Boot talk to some of them. Bria rolls her eyes.

"If you want to go talk to them, you can Michael."

"No he can't," Rye interjected, "he needs to be here when I rub it in Cedric's face that I get chosen over him."

"Yeah, you wish mate," Cedric says, slapping him on the back.

Michael huffs, but looks back at Bria. "I'm not going to leave, I have all year to snog at least one of them."

"That's the spirit!" Rye says happily. "Say, when I become Champion, do you think that they will fall in line to get with me, or swarm me every time I pass by them?"

"When they see that you're the Champion, they'll probably just run in the opposite direction," Bria says, already annoyed with Rye. She has gotten along better with her brother the older they get, but his inflated ego grates her sometimes.

Rye always needs to be the best. The fastest runner, the better Chaser, the favorite child. What irritates Bria more, is that all of those things were true. He was in fact the better runner, the better Chaser, and their mother's favorite.

Rye frowns at her as Michael and Cedric laugh at his demise.

"What about Cedric?" Rye says.

Bria smirks. "Well, pretty boy over there is much more easy on the eyes and an easier pill to swallow than you."

Michael hoots and Cedric raises his hand for a high five, which Bria returns. "Thanks, Brioche."

Before Rye can get a retort in, Dumbledore rose to his feet, silencing the whole room.

"Well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision," said Dumbledore. "I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions' names are called, I would ask them please to come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber" — he indicated the door behind the staff table — "where they will be receiving their first instructions."

Dumbledore waves his wand, putting out the light from the candles that illuminate the room, leaving the only light in the room coming from the Goblet. Everyone waits with baited breaths, a drum of adrenaline pumping through every student's veins.

The flames from the Goblet turns red, and a piece of parchment flies out of the fire.

Dumbledore swiftly catches it. "The Champion for Durmstrang will be Viktor Krum."

A wave of applause erupts in the Great Hall. Bria claps while Michael hoots and hollers, excited that his favorite Quidditch player will be in the Tournament. As Krum walks to the room, the cheers die down, waiting for the next slip of parchment.

Real or Not Real {Harry Potter}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora