Thirty Four

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-It Will Come Back-

-you know better babe, you know better-

-than to hold me just like that-

The rest of February is filled with endless Quidditch practices, D.A. meetings, and more time spent with Harry. Ravenclaw just beat Slytherin in their latest match, leading to Ravenclaw being in the Quidditch finals. Surprisingly enough, Gryffindor had also made it to the Quidditch finals. Bria calls it dumb luck.

Gryffindor had Harry and the Weasley twins when they beat Slytherin, and sadly, Hufflepuff has been underperforming all year after the loss of Cedric. No one in Hufflepuff seems particularly devoted to Quidditch.

Despite being banned from Quidditch, Harry seemed busier than ever. After returning from break, Dumbledore has tasked Harry with beginning Occlumency lessons. Bria doesn't know much about Occlumency, but she knows that it is a grueling, invasive task in order to learn how to protect the mind.

Bria can tell that Harry has changed since Mr. Weasley's attack and his Occlumency lessons have begun. Harry has become more short-tempered and closed off at times, more than he was last year when they were first thrust into this fake relationship.

Bria isn't quite sure what she can do. She tries to be kind and understanding, she tries to be reliable and comforting, to no avail. It seems that he doesn't want to talk to Bria about these things.

He hasn't spoken to her about how he's been feeling after Mr. Weasley's attack. He hasn't told her what goes on during his Occlumency lessons. He doesn't tell her how Umbridge's increased interference with the school is bothering him.

They don't talk much these days. She doesn't tell him about her grueling Quidditch practices. She doesn't tell him about the letters between her and Bran. She doesn't tell him that she knows that he and Ginny kissed.

For their lack of talking about anything substantial, they sure do spend a lot of time together. If they're not eating together at the Great Hall, then he's walking her to class. If they don't see each other because of their different schedules, then they're seeing each other at D.A. meetings. If they're not walking around the castle together, then they're going to be studying in the library later.

And it's not just spending time together. It's hand-holding, it's pecks on cheeks and soft goodbyes. It's longing looks and shared smiles. Harry contradicts himself regularly; being closed off from Bria while simultaneously while being the most affectionate he's ever been.

Bria reasons that even though he might not want to talk to her, at least he wants to spend time with her. At least he seems to like her.

Harry is always warmer to her during D.A. meetings. Perhaps it's because she's the reason why he is running the D.A. or perhaps it's because she was one of the first people to back him up.

It could also be that Harry is nicer during D.A. meetings because that's the perfect time for everyone to see how great their relationship is.

He has been exceptionally nice during this meeting, but that could be from the topic they are learning this week: Patronuses.

Everyone was eager to practice this week. Harry had given a short demonstration, of how they need to think of a happy memory when casting the spell, how the patronus represents their soul. They clap when Harry shows his stag, and get to work immediately after.

Bria's only problem is that she doesn't know what her happiest memory is. She's not sure if she's had it yet. Every childhood memory is tainted with the abuse of her mother, her time at Hogwarts has been plagued by Cedric's death and Rye's silence, and her times with Harry are ruined by the knowledge that most of it was fake anyway.

Real or Not Real {Harry Potter}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang