Forty Four

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-Something in the Orange-

-but i miss you in the mornings when i see the sun-

-something in the orange tells me we're not done-

Harry wakes up thrashing in his bed, a scream on the tip of his tongue. He faintly hears someone whispering in his ear and a hand on his back, but he's still reeling from his nightmare that he can't clear his head and focus on the present.

He dreamt of night of the Ministry. He dreams of the Ministry most nights. On those nights, his mind comes with new possibilities of what else could've happened.

He's dreamt of the possibility of Sirius not dying but then Remus would end up dead instead, he's dreamt what it would be like if Harry had not touched the prophecy, only to end up forced to grab it anyway because he had threatened Bria's life. He dreamt his friends not passing out one by one, and be present for the Order to get there, just for them to die in the end.

Tonight, Harry dreams of Sirius living. But Lucius Malfoy kills Bria in exchange.

He's still trying to stop his heart from racing and get his breathing under control. He doesn't know how long it takes for him to calm down, but eventually the words whispered in his ear can be processed.

"Harry, it's okay. You're okay."

He doesn't have his glasses on, but he can see Bria's blurry face come into view.

"You were having a nightmare," she explains to him.

Harry nods. Bria seems to realize that he's calmed down, and begins to walk back to the door.

Harry thinks it's a bad case of deja vu.

"Bria, do you think you can stay?"

She hesitates at the door, but turns around to face him. "Always."

She walks back to Harry's bed while he raises the covers for her to get under them seamlessly.

They fall asleep together easily, and Harry wakes up the next day with no nightmares.

So, they fall asleep the next night together.

And the next.

And the next.

Ron, thankfully, does not mention anything to Harry, but Harry is certain that he knows what's going on. Bria still goes to bed in Ginny's room, waiting for everyone to fall asleep before she goes to Harry.

She still wakes up early, accustomed to waking up before the sun has even come out, and walks back to Ginny's room to look as if she's been there the whole night.

The continue this routine for a week or so, until there is only two days left before they return to school.

The Weasleys are all scattered around the house. Ron is taking a nap up in his room, Hermione is outside reading while Ginny practices Chaser plays, and the rest of the Weasleys are all at work. Harry is in the living room, dozing around while Bria had baked cherry turnovers.

The smell wafts through the air, and Harry can't help himself but get up and head into the kitchen.

While Bria returns to Harry's bed every night, things are still not as they were before. Harry feels awkward talking to her, like every time he speaks Bria is trying to decipher his words for a hidden meaning. He knows it's his fault for doing so, but Harry can't help but clam up every time he has to talk to Bria.

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