CHAPTER 21: You're Safe

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You want to speak, to tell him to shut up again but deep in your heart you also want to hear what he has to say. You need to know the truth about everything your father did, everything your brother did not tell you.

"You have nothing to say now? I'll continue then. But somehow your brother got the code in which I don't know how your father had transmitted. Your brother reprogrammed the original code, became a hero and trapped all the developers here including himself to disconnect us from the real world. He never want us to regain access outside again."

You just kept silent, thinking what your brother told you about your father.

He just went on. "Your father, Kinta, originally developed the bug to crash the syntax of the game, to destroy all the servers and the game itself. Unfortunately, like a pathetic pacifist like him, he believed that violence will not the only one who can stop us from continuing the game so he decided to just destroy the game and let us go. This was all his fault. What a fool."

"My father was a kind and passionate man. You have no right to speak like that about him! It's all because of you evil developers!" You shouted.

"Don't accuse me of all evil. I have my reasons. Do you still want the story or not?"

You glared at him. Unsure whether to actually listen to him. "Why are we doing this again?"

"Oh. So you don't need to know the truth?"

Through gritted teeth you responded to him, "Fine, talk."

"Hmm. You know what? I changed my mind. Maybe I'll tell you after you're in the brink of death." He looked at you smugly.

"You'll be a dead man then!" You wielded your sword to attack him but only to block the path by his comrades.

"Let's play first." His muscular underling said.

"Out of my way!" You strike him without hesitation, unaware that his other lackeys were just behind Mei. You stopped when you hear her cry out.

"Let go!"

You snapped your head to her direction and stopped. 'Damn it!'

Immediately, you turn around to help her, neglecting what's in front of you, but your opponent didn't let you. "Move or you're gonna loose an arm!"

"Bring it on, pest!" He taunted and repeatedly punched you with his brass knuckles.

You're not gonna let him distract you from keeping Mei safe so you keep on pushing then landed a hit on his shoulder. You quickly sprinted to her but your opponent catch up and knocks you on the ground. He instantly drew his blade and thrust it on your thigh.

You winced in pain, but you just ignore it as you have no rights to rest right now. You pushed yourself up and managed to slash him on the chest then kicked him as hard as you can to give yourself distance and time to rush to Mei.

Seconds have to be enough for you to recover a bit seeing as your current enemy is knocked down, you take the chance to hurry back to her. Obliterating everyone on your way until you can extend your arms to make a strike. "Mei, duck!" You gave her a warning as you threw your blade on the captor's head freeing her in the process. She immediately run to you for safety and also to fight beside you.

"You still have no scratch, right? Otherwise, your grandfather will kill me." You laughed a little.

"Dummy!" That earned a pout from her and a slap on your chest.

"There's no time for that. Time to make your exit."

"You really are an idiot. I wouldn't follow that part of your plan."

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Feb 28 ⏰

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