I bet she's lonely | Part 22 |

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Words count : 1212 

Sky's Pov ( time jump/skip ) :

I slowly open my eyes; but quickly closing them again of the bright light.

I open my eyes again and this time I noticed some people walking in my room as there but their gloves on. 

"Hi kiddo, how we feeling?" Connor asked as he walked over to my bed whit Dr.Halstead and Dr.Abrams right behind him standing outside the door until Connor said anything.

"Fine" I caught trying to speak.

"Okey, Lawson can we get a glass of water in here pleas" Connor asked the nurse who walked past the room.

"Yeah of course" She answered as he walked off to get some water.

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"I-I got brought in here and got help" I tried to explain al the thing I new; that wasn't really much. 

"You remember what happened?"

"I could see cops and firefighters around me, they tried to help me" I explain.

"Here you go" Monique smiled as she gave me a glass whit water that I took a sip of after I said "Thank you" and she smiled back again before walking off. 

"Okey good, any pain?" Connor asked.

I shook my head as he took his pen light out before mentioning for the other two doctors they could come in. 

"Hi Sky, my name is Dr.Abrams. You can call me Sam if you like" Dr.Abrams said walking over to the end of the bed.

I nodded and Connor told me to follow the light.

"Okey, you definitely have a concussion, but it's nothing to worry about" Connor explain after he had shine the light in my eyes. 

I nodded again as the other doctor spoke. 

"My name is Dr.Halstead" He said shaking my hand whit a smile. I smile back.

"So you don't have a first name?" I asked whit a small chuckle.

He smiles at my comment "Will, Will Halstead" He said. 

"That's one good thing" Connor chuckle.

"What that I can ask questions?" I smiled.

"The fact that you still have your humor" Connor said.

"You know I have humor?, I have meet you like twice" I said as Maggie walked in the room.

"Dr.Abrams they need you in the ICU" She explained.

"Coming" Sam smiled towards Maggie who smiled back as she walk off.

"Nice to meet you sky" HE said as he walked off.

"You too" I said.

"You see meanwhile you was asleep, your brother talked about you a lot" Connor explained to the question I asked him before.

"Nooo, what did he said" I whine in embarrassment.

"Yeah, he told us about how moody you are and that you love him so much" Will joked.

"I'm not moody" I disagreed towards Will.

  "I'm kidding" Will said.

"Yeah but he did tell us about the last time you got upset and they needed to help you and that" Connor explain.

I did't know what to say so I just looked down at my fingers. I could tell both Connor and Will shared a worried look before looking down on me again.

"Try get some rest, you will need it" Connor said squeezing my shoulder.

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