I drive you | Part 14 |

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" Hey you need to calm down!" Casey said grabbing Skys upper arm.

Sky didn't say anything she just continue to hyperventilating.

"Hey look at me.....look at me" Casey said pulling her chin gently to face him.

"You need to breathe" He said as got help of Mouch and Hermann to get you to sit on top of a bed in the bunk room. 

Sky started shaking and short after she broke down in tears.

"Hey look at me and breathe" Casey said again trying to get her to calm down.

"No Casey, i did this, i killed him!" Sky said pushing Casey away to leave the room.

Everyone staid silent as Sky run out of the room and run outside to her car.

She was stopped be Cruz who stepped in front of her blocking so she couldn't open the door.

"You shouldn't drive like this" he said trying to stop Sky from entering the car.

"I drive you" He said as she just nodded in stress and accepted the drive to the hospital.

They jumped in to the car and Cruz started driving to the hospital.

The hold ride there Sky just continue crying and started fidgeting whit her fingers.

When they arrive Sky jumped out of the car so quickly as she could and run into the hospital to be meet by Maggie.

"Hi Sky" She said noticing the girl whit tears all over her face. 

"Where is he, where is me brother" Sky said looking around.

"His in room 3 but you can't see him right now" Maggie said looking up to see everyone from the 51 storming into the hospital.

"I need to see him" Sky said as she started walking over to room 3.

Maggie, Cruz, Casey run after her to stop her but before they noticed sky accidentally walked in to one of the doctors.

"Sky" Connor said grabbing her shoulders for an attempt to pull her away from the room.

"Let me see him!" Sky shout trying to get out of Connor's tight grip around her.

"Some help over here!" Connor called out as Will and Ethan came out from the doctors launch.

They both run over and tried to help her to calm down.

"Sky listen, if you don't calm down I need to call security" Connor spoke as she didn't stop struggling.

"Let me se him" Sky cry out as she stopped struggling and her hole body just let go. 

They all hold their grips around her as she fall to the ground whit no strength so she didn't hurt her self. They all decided that it was best to let her sit in the doctors launch. 

"Hey your safe and he is to" Will said as he and Connor helped her over to the doctors launch.

They sat her down in the sofa. Sky didn't stop crying and now she started shaking again in terror. 

Will sat by her side taking one of her hands into his and stated rubbing smooth circles on her back whit his other hand.

"Sky i don't want you to end up out their so i want you to take big deep breath for me" Connor said crunching down in front of her.

"I- I can't B- Breathe " Sky stuttered out.

"Okey, what's four things you can see?" Connor asked.

"I- I can see floor...co- couch..you a- and Will.." Sky said trying to look around for things she saw.

"Good now three things you can touch" Will said.

"You..floor and Couch" Sky said coming back to normal breathing.

"Good" Connor spoke as the door open and Sky looked up to see who it was still whit tears all over her face. 

"Will, patient in treatment 1 is complaining about her stomach hurting and she asked for you"Maggie said looking over at Will.

"I be there in 2 minutes" Will said as Maggie nodded and left.

"Are you fine?" Will asked Connor who nodded.

As Will left to look at his patient Connor sat down beside her on the couch.

"is he dead?" Sky said laying back on the couch.

"No, his okey now ,he just need some rest" Connor explained as he noticed Sky yawn.

"Come here" Connor said wrapping a arm around Sky's shoulder pulling her into a side hug.

Sky lays her head on his chest as she felt something covering her cold body. 

"Is he gonna be okey?" Sky asked closing her eyes as she felt a blanket being pulled up by her chin.

"Yes, he is expecting a full recovery" Connor said as he smiled noticing Sky started to drift of to sleep.



Doing my best to update <3

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