Miles Joseph Mclaughlin

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You and peej are laying in bed it's like 2am and you been having stomach pain and cramps.
Yn: babe I think it's baby time.
Peej: what
You stand up and your water brakes you clenched your stomach.
Peej: ok it's baby time

You and peej go our to the car on the way you call Dr. Santiago and explain everything to her. After about 20 minutes you guys get to the hospital. You guys get sent to the labor and delivery room you meet Dr. Santiago and she sends you to a room.
Yn: you ready peej
Peej: yes my love

3 hours later it's now like 5am and you sit in the hospital bed holding Miles. Peej went home to clean up some things. The nurse walked in to take Miles to the baby nursery.
Nurse: hi yn I'm here to take Miles to the nursery so you can get some sleep. 
Yn: ok, Patrick should be getting here around 9am or sometime around there.
Nurse: ok thank you.
You fall asleep

Skip to 8am:
Peej: babe wake up.
Yn: ok
Dr. Santiago: how are you feeling
Yn: better how's Miles
Dr. Santiago: Miles is happy and healthy you and him will be home by tomorrow night.
Yn: ok
Peej: hey bubs
Yn: hi
Peej:baylen and Sarah are coming in a little bit.
Yn: ok

After watching some TV the nurse rolls miles in the room. You pick him up and peej sits next to you on the hospital bed.
Yn: he has your nose and ears.
Peej: yeah but he has your lips and eyes.


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Its.yn: he's here and healthy.
❤: maya.2007 baylenlevine lil_peej yourlover.boy kingjaden and 5892 others
Kingjaden: aww my grandson 💙
Maya.2007: he's so cute 💕
Doubletrouble: congratulations yn and peej
LauraMclaughlin: awe he's adorable I'll be over tomorrow.

38 minutes later Baylen walks in with Sarah and Noah.

Baylen: who would of thought Peej would be a dad.
Sarah: how are you feeling Yn
Yn: I'm feeling better now that he's here and I'm excited he's healthy
Sarah: oo that's good.
Noah: what car is he coming home in.
Peej: what ever one is available.

Miles started to wake up because of the noise so you rock him then hand him to peej
Peej: hey don't cry.
Peej hands him to baylen and he smiles an looks at Sarah.
Sarah: no don't even think baylen.
Baylen: awe man.
You crack up laughing.
Peej: so yn whens the next baby.
Yn: probably in a year or 2.
Noah: bro you just had him like 8 hours ago.
Yn: I know but he's so cute.
After awhile the nurse comes in and explains that you and Miles are very healthy so you both can leave tomorrow morning instead of tomorrow night.

After awhile Noah baylen and Sarah leave and Kyle walks in with Allie.

Allie: omg yn he's so cute.
Yn: ik I want another one.
Peej: wait just a year or two.

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