First Doctor's Visit

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It been 6 weeks your already 1 month and 2 weeks pregnant. Peej and you went back to Georgia 6 days ago. And today is your first doctor's visit.

Peej: babe you will do great.
Yn: are you sure
Peej: ofcourse love
Yn: ok
You and him walk into the doctors office and sign in. You wait till your name is called.

Nurse: Y/N L/N & Patrick Mclaughlin
Yn: right here
You and peej walk to this room and you sit on the exam table/bed you guys wait for the doctor to come in.

7 minutes later:

Doctor: hi I'm doctor Bella Santiago. I will be your doctor from here on out.
Yn: I'm yn yl and that's my boyfriend Patrick
Doctor: nice to meet you guys. So this is your first visit here.
Yn: yes I'm a month and a couple weeks today.
Doctor: oh what was with the long wait.
Yn: my boyfriend and his friends also have a house in Florida and we go there twice a month and we were in Florida when I found out I was pregnant.
Doctor: I see. So are you ready to have your ultrasound and hear the babies heart beat.
You: ready as I'll ever be.
The doctor prepared your belly by putting this cold jelly stuff on it the using this tool she rubs it around and points at the screen. And you see this

She points to it and you here the heart beat

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She points to it and you here the heart beat. After a hour your done your appointment so you set up for your next appointment in 3 weeks.

You guys got back to peejs parents house and put the ultrasound pictures on the fridge then you to went upstairs.
Yn: bubs you are going to be the best daddy ever
Peej: and your going to be the best mommy ever.
Yn: I'm tired
Peej: take a nap then my love.
You cuddle up next to peej with your arms around his waist and your head on the pillows with your big fuzzy blanket on top of your body. You fall asleep.

Peejs pov:
I look over and see yn sleeping so I facetime baylen. To see how things are at his apartment. He says everything is fine so I then show him the ultrasound pictures and after talking for 20 minutes we play warzone.

3 hours later:
I wake up to peej playing warzone. And see baylen on facetime.
Peej: did we wake you
Yn: no, I'm hungry though.
Baylen: so what ever happened to waiting for marriage you too.
Yn: idk I was bored and the movie wasn't really working so it happened.
Peej: ok love what do you want to eat.
Yn: dunkin donuts please.
Peej: ok
Baylen hangs up the phone so you and peej get out of bed and you put on one of peej's hoddies and some pajama pants. Because you didn't want to stay in jeans and a fancy shirt. You and peej go out to the car and you drive to dunkin.

At dunkin:
Lady: what can I get for you.
Yn: can I please have a small ice coffee cream and sugar. And 1 dozen donuts.
Lady: is that every thing.
Yn: yeah.

You pull up to the window and a lady opens the door.
Lady: omg your lil peej and yn.
Peej: hi
Yn: your really pretty
Lady: thanks. Wait can I post this on Instagram.
Yn: sure tag us too.
You hand her your card and she gives you the coffee and box of donuts. Then your card. You guys say bye then you drive off. You and peej go to the park.

At the park:
Yn: babe let race each other on the slide.
Peej: ok
You and peej go on the slide and peej gets stuck halfway down. So you win. After he gets un stuck you and him take a Instagram picture

 After he gets un stuck you and him take a Instagram picture

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Lil_peej: love this girl with my life.
❤: Baylenlevine, Its.yn, Maya.2007 and 236,876
Fan: the matching necklace 😍
Baylenlevine: I see you peej
Fan: I'm the girl from dunkin

After like a hour at the park you and peej go back to the house. You sit at the kitchen table and watch peej help his mom make dinner. Because your not feeling well.
Yn: Mrs. Mclaughlin what's for dinner.
Mrs. M: I'm not sure yet just mixing things together.
Yn: oh ok
Peej: you feeling ok
Yn: no my belly hurts really bad.
Peej: love how about you go take a shower and I'll get you some pajamas then after dinner we can go to baylen's apartment and watch a movie with the boys.
Yn: ok see you in a bit.

30 minutes later:
You walk back downstairs in pajamas and your water bottle. You go and sit at the table and get food placed in front of you.
Yn: thank you for dinner.
Mrs.M: your welcome
You eat dinner then after your done you and peej leave to go to baylen's apartment and watch cobra kai.

You look over and see peej passed out on the floor in Baylens apartment. And you laying on the couch. You open your phone and see it's 3am.
Yn: babe my back hurts and I'm hungry.
Peej: it's 3am though
Yn: can you get me toaco bell please.
Peej: yeah I can because your having our child.
Yn: thank you love.
Peej: your welcome

Peej gets up and puts on his shoes and you kiss him goodbye. He goes and get you toaco bell. After awhile it's like 4am and peej walks in the front door with to bags of food.
Peej: here yn
Yn: thank you
Peej: your welcome love
You sit down and eat your food with pj having his head in your lap talking to the baby.
Yn: it can't here you yet.
Peej: I know but I'm still going to pretend it can.

After like 4 hours it's 7am and you and peej are on the couch watching TV. Baylen walks out of the bathroom.

Baylen: morning guys
Yn: morning Baylen.
Peej: shush I'm watching TV.
Yn: be nice it's his house.

Next chapter will be like 5 months later. Just to speed up the process of the story.

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