"He's lyinggg he told me that he didn't want to play with me no more cause I was with Nas" she giggled and calmed down before she could speak again "then he told me that Nas doesn't like me so I told Nas-"

"Yo Layla you a snitch?!" Blu joked and Layla enthusiastically nodded with a smile on her face.

"No my heart you posed to say no" Gotti chuckled watching Layla changed from nodding to her shaking her head.

"But Gotti was tickling me and I tried to get out so now I'm tired" she huffed and tried to climb up on my lap, I sat her on my lap and took off her sneakers so they won't be on Setty's couch then fixed her body so she could lay on my chest.

Combing her hair out of her face I scrolled on my IG reels since I've discovered them I ain't stopped watching them they're way too funny.

Laughing at nearly all of the posts I sent them to Shania and put my phone away when Layla's breathing calmed down.

Moving my head out to the side so I could see if she was sleeping her eyes were wide open but she was watching the hell out of Kay's screen, "Layla I thought you was tired?" I questioned and she nodded.

"I am" she mumbled and reached over to Kay and started to play with his hoodie, he felt someone touching up on his hoodie and smacked his lips he looked down with a mug and saw it was Layla so he didn't say anything to her and if he did I would've been on his ass.

Cause I know that nigga ain't gonna be nice about it, "Lay Lay stop touching his clothes" I whispered and tried to take her hand off her clothes but she held some tight ass grip "Layla let go" I whispered once again and she still held on it.

"Why?" She mumbled and moved her hand to try touch his hair that was in a low bun but she couldn't reach it and moved a lil off my chest so her arm could touch it.

"Layla he's gonna feed your fingers to his dogs if you keep touching his hair" I tried to tease her but she didn't even want to move her hand.

"I like dogs so I wouldn't mind but his hair is so soft Lei" she stated and continued to play around with the lil piece of hair she could touch.

"Aye thank you princess but you pulling on my hair too hard" Kay said to her and swiftly took her hands off his hair and Layla hid her face in my chest giggling at Kay calling her princess and shit if I was her I would be too.

And because he called her princess I have a feeling she ain't gonna leave him alone.

"Layla are you blushing cause Kay called you princessss?" Gotti teased her making Layla go hid her face once again and continuing those high pitched giggles of hers.

"Nooooo!" She exclaimed and got up from my lap.

Smacking my bare thighs I stood up and looked over at Layla playing with Gotti "I'm going outside to smoke and get some fresh air".

"You got a blunt on you?" Blu asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Yea I always got a blunt on me" I replied but he still looked mad confused as if I was speaking a whole other language.

"Where in ya ass?" He asked still looking at me with his puzzled ass face and at first I thought he was being funny but now that I see his face he's being serious.

me, u& hennessy | K.FWhere stories live. Discover now