Heat rushes up the sides of both their faces as they blush simultaneously. Jay turns away, biting down hard on his bottom lip, while Nya stands abruptly. She walks around the coffee table towards him, reaching out hesitantly. When he does not pull away or move away from her, she stops short and wraps her arms around his waist from behind.

They stay like that for a long time, holding each other tightly, letting the tension drain out of them, until Jay speaks up, breaking the silence and turning around to hug her properly.

"Um," he begins uncertainly, fiddling with the ends of her raven locks, which are starting to curl upwards from being pressed against his body. He lets go after a moment, running his fingers through his hair and sighing heavily, like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders.

"Does this mean we have to slow down?," he asks quietly.

Nya smiles, resting her chin on his shoulder and peering up at him.

"I don't really care either way, honestly. You wanna keep going? Cool. Or we could take it slower, if that would make you more comfortable. We could always finish watching our movie too."

His brow furrows for a second, but then he grins widely.

"Sounds like a plan!"

They don't get much farther through the movie when Nya abruptly hits the pause button and pivots to straddle Jay in his lap.

So much for taking it slow.

She stares at him intently, as if she is trying to peer into his soul. "Your lightning doesn't scare me," she says with so much conviction that Jay's brain momentarily short circuits.


His Adam's apple bobs as he gulps involuntarily.

"I mean it. I know you won't hurt me."

Jay blinks, but she continues before he can form a coherent thought.

"Your elemental power, I don't know how to describe it, but I feel it, like...like it's a part of you." She hugs herself, suddenly feeling self-conscience. "And I like it. I like how it feels, this gentle hum that reminds me of electronics, of  a lightning storm in the spring, but it also reminds me of you and I just," she turns her head away, bravado from a few monuments ago now gone. "It's comforting, ya know?"

His heart swells. Jay briefly wonders if it's possible to fall in love all over again.

He answers her with a kiss. It's deep and raw, desperate and hungry. His mouth moves away from hers abruptly, leaving her gasping. They stare at each other for a moment, panting, both of them trying to catch their breaths. Nya is smiling, wide and bright enough that it hurts. Jay looks dazed and pleased and happy, his eyes sparkling like stars.

They kiss again, slowly, tentatively. A third time, harder, faster, deeper. And a fourth. The fifth time is different, rougher somehow, less careful, and Nya pulls him closer, pulling his shirt along with her nails, as if she is taunting him to shock her again. His skin feels hot and slippery beneath her fingertips, but also electric and prickly, and his kisses taste like sweet, sticky sugar.

After that, there's no counting anymore. There's just Nya, leaning against his chest and pressing herself against him, moaning softly when his palm skims the curve of her hip. Jay has never felt more alive. He presses a thumb against her bellybutton, enjoying the way she gasps and wiggles. When he lets go of her waist to reach up and untuck her bra strap, she grabs his wrist instead and brings his hand back to where it belongs, her grip surprisingly strong considering how small she is. He flicks her earring with his finger, and she whimpers lightly into his neck.

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