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Chapter Twelve
The Angel's Domain

❝The creator lied to us.❞

WALKING FURTHER INTO the Angel's domain, the two men were met with a sight they didn't want to see. Before them, a woman with a mangled face and a halo stuck in her head. She was standing behind a window torturing one of the Butcher Gang members. William cringed when he saw her while Henry frowned upon remembering what she did to Boris.

Alice hummed after she stopped torturing the creature, "Hm. Now we come to the question... Do I kill you? ...Do I tear you apart to my heart's delight? The choices of the beautiful are unbearable. How's a girl to choose?" She started, pretending to be thinking of what to do with both men. William rolled his eyes, "Please, you won't be worse than Cassidy." He mumbled while crossing his arms, completely annoyed by this woman. Alice ignored him and proceeded to finish her speech, "Take this little freak for instance! He crawled in here... Trailing his tainted ink to my door! It could have touched me! It could have pulled me back!! Do you know what it's like? Living in the dark puddles? It's a buzzing, screaming well of voices! Bits of your mind, swimming... like... like fish in a bowl! The first time I was born from its inky womb, I was a wriggling, pulsing, shapeless slug. The second time... well... It made me an angel! I will not let the demon touch me again. I'm so close now. So... almost perfect." She explained a little of what she had experienced in this place.

Now here William started to think of what Alice has explained. Did you go through all of this as well? Or are you hiding somewhere and try to survive? There has to be a clue somewhere, a clue only Michael discovered. Alice started to talk again, interrupting William's train of thoughts.

"Yes. I will spare you two. For now. Better yet... I'll even let you ascend and leave this place. If you will do a few eensy, weensy little favors for me first. Return to the lift, my little errand boys. We have work to do!"

William scoffed and approached the woman behind the glass, "I'm not leaving! Not until I know where did my kid go." He demanded loudly, anger evident in his gaze. He growled under his breath in fury, "I have enough of going through endless mazes of ridiculous hallways. I can see it clearly, you know something about Y/N!" He exclaimed as he pointed his finger accusingly at her. Both Alice and Henry looked at him with slight surprise. The woman regained her composure and hummed in thoughts, "Such a demanding man, I see. But you're right." When she said that, both males looked at her with shock. So she knows something about you.

She chuckled and put her hands on her hips, "I do know something about your child, Y/N Afton. However, you have to do my errands to be worthy of these value informations." Twisted Alice declared with an evil smirk that irritated William. He growled again, clenching his fists tightly, "Not even in your dreams! You're going to talk or I will make your worthless life a living hell." Afton threatened with a dark aura around him and a crazy smile on his face. Alice tried her best to not be fazed by William's change of personality, "This is my condition, you either agree or go on your way." She stated, sounding a little bit confident.

Before William can say anything else, a metal shutter went down hiding the window and blocking both William and Henry from seeing the so-called angel. Henry went toward his partner and put his hand on William's shoulder, "We have to go. I'm sure we will find something around the other levels." He assured, giving a little squeeze to William's shoulder. William glared at the brown haired man, "Don't give me false hopes. That woman knows something and I will get it out of her even if I have to kill her!" Henry took a step back upon hearing what William said. Something was off about his way of talking, "He sounded like killing is something normal to him." Henry thought with concern.

William pushed Henry away as he moved to leave the room, now forced to do Alice's tasks. Henry sighed and followed after him, hoping that William will calm down eventually.


The ink demon sat on the floor with his head in his hands, gaining some weird and unknown flashbacks. He could see himself in that same room in the administration, writing on the walls or either sitting down while rocking back and forth. Aside from this memory, another ones appeared in his mind. A family of five, three kids and the parents.

Bendy's permanent smile wavered as more inky veins appeared around him, panic raising and consuming his mind. What was happening to him? He was confused and lost, he wanted to know who are those people.

Who was he? Was he always like this or used to have a normal life? So many questions and little answers... Nobody was there to help or take his hand. Everyone is scared of him let alone be near him. Hopefully, he would find out the truth of what life he used to have.

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