Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

*Author's P.O.V*

Zayn knocks on Luke's front door as he rocks on his feet. To anyone who didn't know him, they would assume that he looks to be in a great mood. It may have something to do with stopping by Harry's place and rearranging his guts on the living room floor before he had gone to work. It wasn't supposed to go that way. They were supposed to go get coffee, but Harry needed it to release some tension in his body. It did, in fact, help him. The door opened to show Luke standing there with a smile on his face. He shakes his hand and then allows him inside. He notices how clean his place is and how good it smells. The decorations that he sees look so unique and expensive. He wishes his place looked like this. Then again, he has all the time in the world to get his place like this. His mind is taken off that when he spots Luke groaning, then closes his eyes briefly.

"Everything alright?" He asks, and Luke lets out a laugh as he goes into a dresser by the front door.

"I've been getting the craziest headaches lately." Luke explains, grabbing what he needs and then turning to him.

"Did you get those checked out by a doctor?" He asks, gulping when he sees a bottle of pills in his hands.

"Nah. I know it's because I have been getting absolutely wasted, so the hangovers are ten times worse." Luke answers, shaking the bottle.

"What type of pills are those?" He asks, intensely watching him take the pills dry.

"Your standard pain pills but just a little bit stronger because I have a very low pain tolerance." Luke informs him before laughing at himself.

"I see." He says, and Luke notices the way he's looking at the bottle of pills.

"You got a headache, too? I don't mind sharing." Luke tells him, holding the bottle out to him, but he puts his hand up.

"No, thank you." He says with a smile, and Luke places the bottle on the kitchen island.

"Alright, I'm going to go pee, then we can get going." Luke tells him, pointing behind himself as he walks backward.

Zayn stares at the bottle of pills the moment he is out of sight. It feels like Luke did this to him on purpose. Then again, he's sure that Harry didn't tell him about his addiction. He grips the edge of his jacket as he turns away from the temptation. This moment seems too good to be true. There is a tiny voice in the back of his mind begging him not to give in, and he wants to listen to it so bad. If only the voice was a little bit louder. The moment he looks over his shoulder at the pills again, all hope is lost. Almost immediately, his feet bring him to them, and he opens it. He takes three and swallows them before putting the cap back on. It appears to be perfect timing because Luke comes back out just as he moves away. He grabs the pills and put them back before they leave his place.

The two of them decide to go for some sushi. It was located in a quiet little neighborhood. The inside of the place wasn't crowed as they thought it would be, but it looked very authentic. Luke had never tried it before, so Zayn was excited to see his reaction. He wasn't let down either. The guy made some pretty hilarious facial expression with each new sushi he tried. He didn't appear to hate them, though. They took their time eating so Harry could tell them when he is ready to meet up with them. Doing that seems to actually work. Once they eat as much as they can, they just relax for a bit, so the tightness in their stomach can go down a bit. This isn't as awkward as they thought it would be.

"So, do you know why Harry thinks we're going to kill him?" Luke asks after their waiter collects their dishes.

"He has a serial killer kink." He says but realizes how fucked up that sounds."Ok, let me explain it better before he finds out and beats me."

"I won't tell him about this." Luke responds with a smirk as he crosses his middle finger over his index finger.

"He has a mask kink, and the masks he are attracted to are mainly tactical or killer based." He says as their waiter comes back over to give them their checks.

"Ah, so he would love that serial killer that's going around right now." Luke replies, giving the man their cards.

"I said the same thing." He says with both of them laughing right after.

"No, but it is crazy that we have a modern-day serial killer. We haven't had one in literal years." Luke tells him, glancing at his surroundings.

"Yeah, it's kind of cool that we're alive when it's happening, though." He says, praying he doesn't see him as a creep because of that.

"You secretly aren't the killer, are you?" Luke asks, leaning back in his chair.

"I'm too pretty to be one." He tells him before giving him a kissy face.

"I'm sorry, but that makes you the perfect candidate." Luke responds, and Zayn just shrugs his shoulders.

"I guess we'll never know." He says with his phone ringing right after.

As expected, it was Harry calling him. He answers as they start to leave. Once he hears his voice, he is reminded of what he did a few hours ago. He is not ready to tell him what he did. He doesn't want to see that look of disappointment on his face. Then again, he should tell him now so it won't hurt him more in the future. He didn't mind telling his therapist, though. It makes sense because therapists don't really pass judgment or express it. He decides to tell him later tonight in the privacy of his place. He puts that on the back of his mind while he lives in the moment as they drive to the place. The drive there was pretty short but they made the best of it. They get out of the car and then head inside the building to look for Harry.

"I know this is random, but I was never expecting you to like me at all." Luke says as they wait in line.

"Why, because you liked my boyfriend?" He asks, not trying to intimidate him, but his tone, posture, and choice of words weren't really helping.

"Pretty much." Luke answers, watching him text Harry very quickly.

"As long as you don't attempt to break us up or anything, then there is no need for you to see that other side of me." He says, patting him on the shoulder.

"I'm gunning for Athena so you don't have to worry about me." Luke tells him before they both feel an arm around their shoulders.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything special." Harry states, and they both shake their head.

"No. We're just bonding." Zayn says, then pulling him close so they can share a tender kiss."How was work?"

"It was the same as it's always been." He tells him with a sigh.

"But I bet this morning made it a little more tolerable." Zayn whispers in his ear while lightly tickling his sides.

"It did, but stop it. We're in public." He replies, squirming around and trying to keep his face serious.

"So? We're simply minding our business, and everyone else should, too." Zayn says, moving up in line together.

"I swear if you get us kicked out, I'm not having sex with you for at least two weeks." He responds, stopping his hands from assaulting him any further.

"Don't question if my right arm gets insanely out of nowhere then." Zayn says, and Harry quickly covers his mouth as he snorts loudly.

The two of them were completely oblivious to Luke watching them. It didn't matter, though, because it was their turn to pay and enter. They had an absolute blast the entire time. They were like kids all over again. Of course, Zayn had to rub it in that he had beat them multiple times. After they had enough, the couple parted ways from Luke, who was apparently going to continue partying the night away. By the time the couple had got back to Zayn's place, they were exhausted. Once Zayn had found the courage to tell Harry about relapsing, he found him sleeping ever so cutesy. In that moment, he couldn't bring himself to wake him and tell him. With that, he got in the bed and held him tight as he fell asleep.




Thoughts??? I can't wait to see how ya'll process this ending.


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