Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

*Author's P.O.V*


Is the man by the name of
Harry available to talk at
this very moment?

Maybe. 👀👀 He's in a business

Could you notify him that his
boyfriend is trying to talk to

I can tell him after his meeting.

It's an emergency.

I'll go get him then.

Thank you.

This is Harry speaking.

I need someone to talk to
while I'm held up in traffic.

You're in luck. I'm on break
for another fifteen minutes.

Thank god. I would have
went insane if I didn't have

What got you held up in
traffic this bad?

There was another body
discovered from that serial
killer and it happened to be
on the expressway I'm on.
Everyone is merging onto
one lane now.


You know what that means?

That there is a very dangerous
fucker out there.

Yes but also the fact that you
want to have sex with him.😄

What possessed you to say

Your kink remember.

For the last time, my mask kink
does not equal a serial killer
kink!!! 😠😡

I think it does but let's just go
with what you said.😋

I just happen to find serial killers
with masks on hot. I told you it
isn't just horror mask related.

But this serial killer might
wear a mask since no one
knows what he looks like.

Doubt that.

Its okay. I accept you and all
your flaws. ☺

I should stop texting you and
let you suffer in traffic.🙃🙃

Yknow sometimes I get the
feeling that you don't like

I wonder why.🙃🙃

I wonder too because I've
been nothing but perfect.☺

I was 👌 close to letting out a
scream just now.

And you think I'm the one
with the anger issues? Smh.

Any fucking ways. Luke had
asked me to be his boyfriend.

Yikes. How did that go?

Terrible. I never felt more
horrible in my entire life.

Was it face to face?

Fortunately, it wasn't. I
probably wouldn't have
survived telling him to his

Poor guy. Are you guys
remaining friends?

That's up in the air for right

You're evil for breaking his
heart like that. 😔😓

Well do you want to break up
and I date him instead?

Hell no. 🙅🤧

Want us to be a threeway

I repeat, hell no. He'll be

See. Stop talking like you
really care about him then.😒😒

I do care about him but not
that much.

Whatever. Where are you
headed to?

To an job interview.

For what job?

Security for a concert venue.

I'm jealous. That means you
get to see so many singers for

I just hope I can keep this one
for a long time.

How many jobs have you been
fired from?

A couple but they were all
within the span of three

What were they?

Whole Foods, Trader Joes, a
random gas station, mailman,
truck driver, Pandora, lifeguard,
and construction.

Jeez. What did you do?😧😧

Nothing really. Just had too
many tardiness.

What the hell makes you that
late where they have to fire

Just random shit with life.

What is your dream job then?

Video game developer.

Did not expect that to be
your next text.😲😲

Where were you expecting
me to say?

I don't know probably some
shit like a therapist or doctor.

Nah. I really like video games
since I was a child.

Well maybe one day you can
teach me how to play some of
your favorite video games.


Of course. I would love to take
part of what you're passionate

Okay. I won't forget that.


Traffic cleared up a bit so
I gotta go.

Safe travels.😚😚

Bye kid.😘

Bye predator.💕





Predictions??? Thoughts??? If you couldn't tell, they were joking with the whole "business meeting" bit.


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