Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

*Author's P.O.V*

Zayn paces around his living room as he sips his fourth cup of coffee. Since his return home from the hospital, he couldn't sleep for longer than 2 hours before he would wake up. Another problem he seems to face is that he barely has an appetite. He would try to make himself a meal but could get through three bites before putting it in the fridge as leftovers. He's been nibbling away at two different meals for the past day or two. The only thing that he could really finish were snacks, cookies, chips, candy, etc. There is a knock on the door as he finishes his coffee. He sits the cup down then goes to open the door. He doesn't need to check the peephole to know who it is. He opens the door then opens his arms for his boyfriend to come into them and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"What do you need me for?" Harry asks the moment he steps inside.

"I just need you here. Withdraws are kind of kicking my ass right now." He answers, rubbing the side of his arm with a smile.

"I'm just checking but there are no pills in here and that drug dealers number is blocked and deleted?" Harry asks, shrugging off his jacket then hanging it up.

"Yes." He responds, shifting from one foot to the other.

"So how are you feeling?" Harry asks as they walk into the living room.

"I feel as if I'm going crazy." He says, resisting the urge to tug at his hair.

"Is there anything in particular that I can do to help you?" Harry asks, happy that his boyfriend called him because he felt he could help him.

"Just being here is enough for me right now. I need an extra pair of eyes to make sure I don't slip because I don't trust myself one hundred percent." He confesses before letting out a deep sigh.

"Of course. I know you won't slip though. You're a lot stronger then you give yourself credit for." Harry responds while cupping the side of his face.

"Am I because it doesn't feel like it at all." He says, resting his hand on the hand that's on his face.

"Hey hey hey, stop talking like that." Harry tells him, combing his fingers through his hair because it looks as if he's been tugging on it all day.

"It's hard not to when I have nothing to distract me." He says, his body slouching a bit.

"So for now we're going to do a trivia game competition." Harry states, giving him a big smile.

"My common knowledge isn't that great so don't shove your win in my face kid." He says before being dragged to the couch.

They sit down with their legs crossed. For the game, they decide to use Harry's phone. With them sitting this close, Harry can now see how much his boyfriend is effected. He sees his fingers fidgeting with a loose string from his shirt, his eyes look sunken in with a slight red tint to them, and his entire skin looked flushed. It breaks his heart to see him go through this alone and not be able to help speed up his recovery. They decide to do a random trivia category so both of them would have a fair chance of knowing whatever topic pops up. The game starts off pretty good with the scores staying very close. It isn't until the third round that the questions for Harry start to get ridiculous. He was just about ready to give up because of it.

"Name four popular horror movie villains." Harry states with a roll of his eyes.

"Michael Myers, Jeepers Creepers, Ghostface, and uh uh uh Leatherface." He says as Harry taps on the ones that he gets.

"Last question, what are five popular television channels?" Harry asks while shaking his head at how easy it is.

"MTV, Disney, BET, Cartoon Network, VH1, and Oxygen." He answers before the timer went off.

"Those were the most easiest questions I've ever seen." Harry says then handing him his phone.

"I just happen to get lucky kid." He replies with a shrug before starting his turn.

"Mhmm luck." Harry says, making sure his sentence is dripping with sarcasm.

"How many phases of the moon are there?" He asks and Harry looks at him as if he offended him.

"How the fuck am I suppose to know that, I'm not in middle school anymore." Harry says before blurting out the first thing he can think of."11."

"I didn't pick the questions kid." He replies with a laugh."Next question, which country invented ice cream?"

"Nope nope fuck no. I quit." Harry says while raising his hands up.

"Now you wanna quit when I'm winning something." He states and Harry nods his head without hesitation.

"Yes, when you clearly have the advantage." Harry responds, taking his phone back.

"Well, I deserve to be reimbursed for this." He replies as his boyfriend pockets his phone.

"I have something in mind." Harry says, motioning him forward by curling his index finger.

"What would that be kid?" He questions, coming forward and letting him pull him on top of him.

"You get to live out your fantasy of fucking my thighs." Harry says, laughing when those brown eyes grow wide.

"I might just cry tears of happiness." He replies before being pulled by his collar into a kiss.

They smile into the kiss as they let their hands feel along each other's bodies. Soon enough their clothes start to come off. To be honest, Harry is a lot more excited than he needs to be. Will this feel so weird that he doesn't to do it ever again or will he like just as much as Zayn? How can you blame him though. He's never really ventured out in his sex life like this before. The partners he had in the past were interested in the regular stuff like hair pulling, spanking, and choking. Don't get him wrong, he's not the kinkest person in the world but he also isn't the most vanilla. He'd say he's a good balance of both and would never kink shame anyone. He tries to contain his excited giggles as he is positioned to lay on his side while Zayn gets behind him.

"If you aren't feeling it at any point, then just tell me and we can stop." Zayn says while kissing the back of his neck gently.

"So considered." He replies, reaching back to grab his hand and pull it near his lips to kiss."Probably my favorite quality about you."

"Not you getting mushy during sex." Zayn teases, loving his body heat since he's been feeling cold all day.

"It's the perfect time to be mushy." He rebuttals and Zayn playfully roll his eyes while laughing.

"Not when I'm about to fuck your thighs." Zayn says, nudging his dick against his soft thighs.

"It's definitely important to do it while you're fucking my thighs." He tells him, letting out a quit gasp when he feels his dick slip slide between his thighs.

"Okay shut up, you're ruining the moment kid." Zayn says and Harry attempts to turn around to check him but he doesn't let him.

"Who are you telling to-" He doesn't get to finish as an index and middle finger is put into his mouth.

"That's more like it." Zayn says and smirks at how easy he falls under his control.




Thoughts??? I can't wait to be finished with this story.


Wildflower (Zarry Stylik)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن