Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

*Author's P.O.V*

Zayn bites at his fingernails while waiting for his doctor to reply back to his email. They have been exchanging emails since the moment Zayn had woke up, much to his doctor's dismay. He had decided to clean his apartment to help ease his nerves and not have him waiting at his laptop for a reply. That didn't last long because he was right back to it once he finished. The conversation they were having was something he wasn't winning in so far. That wasn't going to stop him because he is going to get what he wants. He has to or else he's going to go insane. There is a knock on his front door that takes his attention away from his laptop. It was great timing because he was going to send a double email. He sits it down on his bed then goes to answer the door. When he opens it, he is surprised to find his boyfriend standing there. He steps aside to let him in and closes the door once he's inside.

"What brings you by?" He asks, causing Harry to laugh with a roll of his eyes.

"We have a date today." Harry reminds him but the smile leaves his face when he sees that he isn't laughing or smiling back."Don't tell me you forgot about it."

"I didn't forget. Just remind me where we are suppose to be going again." He replies, going to grab his jacket off the coat rack but is stopped.

"Zayn, sit down." Harry says and he does what he's told without a word."What has gotten into you?"

"What makes you think something has gotten into me?" He questions as Harry comes to stand in front of him.

"Your vibes have been different every since I took you home that night." Harry explains and Zayn let's out a laugh.

"I think my vibes have been the same since I've met you." He says while he rubs his knees.

"Look me in my eyes and tell me that you aren't keeping anything from me." Harry tells him and those beautiful brown eyes stare into his.

"It's nothing major." He states, willing his legs not to bounce and his fingers to sit still.

"Does it have to do with your pills?" Harry asks and Zayn looks away from him while nibbling on his bottom lip."Are they not headache pills?"

"They aren't. I had a pretty bad injury that required them." He confesses and Harry's eyes grow wide.

"What was the injury?" Harry asks, sitting down next to him to provide him comfort.

"I had broken my arm at one of my old jobs so they gave me medication for the pain." He explains and Harry's mouth forms an O shape.

"Oh that must have sucked." Harry says, glad that it wasn't anything too serious.

"Can we please move on from this topic?" Zayn asks as nicely as he can.

Harry nods his head and drops the topic for his sake. He feels bad for prying in his business because the accident must have been traumatizing for him. Deep down, he's still confused on why he would need to lie about something like that. He wouldn't make fun of him or make him feel bad about his injury or the fact that he needs medication for it. If anything, he wants to baby him now because he knows it must be difficult for him. If he would have never told him, he would have never noticed. Then again, it doesn't seem like either of his arms have difficulty moving. He probably wouldn't be able to tell because Zayn seems to hide the pain very well. He hopes that he hasn't put him in any pain at some point in time because he knows sometimes he can be a little careless.

Though it may not seem like it, Zayn is disappointed in himself for forgetting their date. This time around, he had told him where they would be going. It was going to be horseback riding. He could practically feel the excitement through the phone when he told him. To let him down like this over his own issue, is upsetting. He didn't even want him to find out about his medication because he didn't want to burden him. They just got together for god sake. To him, this stuff is suppose to come six months into the relationship. This is suppose to be their honeymoon stage. This issue was something that was going to be temporary for him. Well, he is trying to keep this medication temporary but it's hard. Very hard. There is no doubt in his mind that he won't it anymore but for now he's just going to have to deal with it. He isn't too mad about that.

"Well, what are we going to do now?" He asks once he realizes that they have been sitting in silence for a while.

"Want to meet my friends? I'm pretty sure that they do not work today." Harry says, pulling out his phone to text them.

"You sure? I wouldn't want to make them jealous of our relationship." He replies before chuckling.

"They are helpless romantics so they will feed off of our relationship if anything." Harry responds, giggling at the chaotic text messages.

"Where are we going to meet up?" Zayn asks as Harry puts his phone away.

"Red Lobster. You're still gonna treat me since you forgot our date." Harry informs him, patting his thigh and kissing the side of his head.

"I already feel bad. Are you really gonna hold that over my head?" He says, dramatically falling back on the couch.

"Of course not." Harry reassures him, straddling him and leaning down to peck his lips multiple times.

"Good, because I would have cried." He says before faking some sniffles.

"Awwww, my wittle baby." Harry teases in a baby like voice while stroking his cheek with his thumb.

"I thought I was gramps." He says, leaning his cheek into his touch some more with a smile.

"For the time being you're my baby." Harry tells him, cooing when his lover adorably pouts at him.

"I'll be your baby when you get back but for now we have to go." He says before getting off the couch while still holding his boyfriend.

They arrive at Red Lobster with Athena and Iris already there since they happened to live closer. They were two very beautiful dark skinned women that seem to be enjoying themselves already. They practically smother Harry with hugs and kisses once they spot him. Zayn tries his best not to look awkward but it doesn't do him much good. His terrible at making friends and had given up on ever needing any becauseof that. Niall was an absolute miracle and accident that he is still on edge about because the guy can just decide one day to not be there anymore. That's how most of his friendships ended. They felt Zayn wasn't giving enough so they dropped him without a word. He doesn't blame them in the slightest though because he most definitely was terrible at texting them back and meeting up with them. This time around, he wants to befriend them to some degree to make Harry happy.

"So this is prince charming." Athena states as Zayn shakes their hands."I would have definitely helped you home too."

"Again, I want to apologize for that. It won't happen again." Zayn says and both women shake their head while waving him off.

"No need to apologize. We're happy it ended up with you guys being a couple." Iris says before flagging the waiter down so they can order.

"Maybe I need to ditch you guys more often." Harry teases, looking away with an innocent look on his face.

"I wouldn't let him do that to you guys." Zayn says, giving them a wink and they wink back at him.

"Well, would you look at that. We like him a lot better than you." Athena teases as they turn their body to face Zayn more.

"You say that now but you guys are always fighting for my attention." Harry says before they give their order to the waiter.

"Whatever, let's get tipsy and gossip." Iris responds and they all agree as they hold up their drinks.




Thoughts??? I was suppose to get this out yesterday but things came up. Sorry.


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