Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

*Author's P.O.V*

Harry enters Zayn's room with a tray of food for him from the cafeteria. It wasn't the best, a grilled cheese, chocolate pudding, and chocolate milk, but it would have to do for now. He sits in tray in his lap then sits down next to him. Zayn had woke up a few hours ago which is why he was getting him food. It had happened when he was on the phone with Luke. He had ended the call so abruptly that he left Luke even more worried than before. He'll definitely have to call him back later and reassure him that everything is alright. Zayn being awake means that he can finally relax now. Ever since he admitted him into the hospital, he has been nothing but anxious. He couldn't stop biting at his nails and checking his monitor. He didn't even get any sleep no matter how many times nurses or doctors recommended he do.

"Do you need anything else?" He asks
but Zayn shakes his head while smiling at him.

"How long have I been out for?" Zayn asks, sitting up some more to get comfortable.

"For a day." He replies, reaching up to him to fix his hair for him.

"Why aren't you at work?" Zayn asks, trying not to laugh as he watches him make sure that he was tucked in properly.

"Because my boyfriend basically fucking died in front of me and I wouldn't have been ok without knowing if you were alright." He explains, playfully punching his thigh.

"What did you tell the doctors?" Zayn asks, grateful that he got a private room so no one can hear them talk about this.

"Once they told me that you had an overdose, I simply said that you were experiencing a very painful migrane and thought the pills would help but you accidentally took more than necessary." He answers, still surprised that the doctors even believed that.

"Thank you for that." Zayn tells him before letting out a nervous laugh as he opens his pudding."I'm guessing you want the truth."

"You're damn right I do." He says, glaring at him but not too intensely.

"As you know, I was getting my pills from you but after our little argument I figured you weren't going to get them anymore. I went to a drug dealer and he didn't inform me how strong the pills were so I took two like I usually do just before you came over. I figure that's what caused my overdose." Zayn informs him, smoothing out the wrinkles on his sheets.

"I don't want to bring this up anymore while you're in the hospital but we will talk about this when you're discharged." He says before opening his milk for him."Now eat up because you need to get your strength back."

Zayn nods his head before picking up the grill cheese and biting into it. Surprisingly, it is pretty good. He goes to eat the pudding next and makes a face of disgust at the first bite. Harry laughs at him as he watches him down his milk in hopes of getting rid of the taste. Once he is finished, Harry takes his tray then places it in the nearest trash bin. After that, he is left with his thoughts and they were not the best. How could they be after he almost died? It was absolutely terrifying not knowing what was happening to him. He wouldn't have been able to say his final goodbyes or I love you. There would be a lot of things he wouldn't have been able to do. He stares at his lap as his throat starts to tighten and his chin starts to wobble.

"What's the matter?" Harry asks and tries not to cry when he sees the look on his face.

"That was the most horrifying experience in my life. I don't want to go out like that." He confesses as a few tears start to run down his face.

"And you won't, not on my watch." Harry reassures him before squeezing himself onto his bed to cuddle him.

"I wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for you so I'm forever in your debt." He says, wiping his tears away.

"You know what will make you feel better?" Harry asks and Zayn looks down at him confused."I had to fight an elderly woman for that grill cheese and chocolate milk. You either got that or a questionable looking baloney sandwich and regular milk."

"Did you really fight her?" He questions as a mental image of him fighting a old woman enters his mind.

"No, I had lied and said it was my kid's, who had just woke up from a coma, favorite." Harry says with a shrug."Do I feel bad? No. Should I feel bad? Also no."

"Kid, what if it was her favorite too and she had a worse situation?" He asks but Harry just smacks his teeth.

"Don't worry about her. She was only in here for her daughter's labor." Harry says, internally happy that he was able to make him redirect his sadness.

"You did not have to do all of that for me." He replies after he calms down from his laughter.

They turn on the television and immediately turn from it when they see what is on the news. Instead, they turn to a Dance Mom marathon. Neither one of them had seen the show but they decided to watch it to make more sense of the memes they seen from it. They stay in the bed for another hour before they are cleared for Zayn to go home. Harry helps him take off his gown and put on his regular clothes before they head out. He watches him carefully in case he needs his help or anything else. That isn't necessary though as they make it to the car and drive away. They arrive at Zayn's apartment thirty minutes later. They enter the apartment and they both head to the bedroom. They both collapse on the bed after they take off their shoes. Zayn closes his eyes for a bit and takes a deep breath in. It feels so nice to finally be back home.

"You're spending the night?" He asks, turning on his side to look at him with his boyfriend following.

"Of course." Harry says before yawning."I'll deal with getting up and getting to work in the morning."

"Good. That means that we can make up for lost time now." He tells him while pulling him close by his waist with a smile.

"Yes but before we do anything else I want to finish our conversation." Harry says and Zayn's smile slowly fades.

"What else do you want to talk about?" He asks, knowing how important this is but wanting to have this tomorrow.

"I know you just been through a lot and I know you didn't mean for it to happen but I don't want it to happen again." Harry says and Zayn nods his head."As of today, I need you to promise to quit."

"As much as I agree with you, I simply can't do that because of the potential outcome." He tells him, finding it hard to keep eye contact with him.

"What outcome?" Harry asks, resting his hand on his cheek and that gets him to look at him.

"It's been proven that quitting cold turkey makes things so much worse." He says quietly that Harry almost missed it.

"I-" Harry goes to speak but he is cut off.

"But I'm willing to do it for you." He states quickly, taking his chances on doing this rather than going to rehab.

"Are you sure because I don't want anything to mess you up?" Harry asks and Zayn holds up his pinky to him.

"Yes. Like I said, I won't lose you and I definitely won't lose myself." He replies and Harry locks his pinky with his.

"Okay. Can we please take a nap because I don't think I can last another second." Harry asks, neither of them bothering to get under the duvets.

"I could never tell you no." He says and Harry smiles at him, making him feel fuzzy.

"And you never will." Harry states with a giggle.

"How right you are kid." He says before they share a kiss then close their eyes.



Thoughts??? I know this is short. I'm sorry.


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