Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

*Author's P.O.V*

It had been five days since the last time they had seen each other. Both of them respected each other enough to let them take that time to process everything. That doesn't mean that they didn't text each other though. They couldn't not text each other even if they wanted to. Harry didn't share his discovery with anyone because it wasn't their business to know and out of respect for Zayn. Deep down though, he is lost on how to deal with this. Does he actively regulate how much he is taking or does he trust him to come to him when he needs him? It's pretty obvious he's never dealt with anything like this before. All that he can go off of is what he's seen in movies and television. However, he knows not to rely on that too much. The last thing he ever wants to do is give up on him and break up with him.

"Can we please finish Detroit Become Human tonight?" Harry asks, resting his chin on his shoulder as he watches him.

"Only if I get something in return." He tells him, trying to keep his voice as serious as possible.

"That isn't an issue." Harry replies with a smile."What do you want?"

"I get to fuck you all day tomorrow." He says and tries not to laugh when he feels him freeze up.

"But I have work and a dinner date with Iris tomorrow." Harry responds as his smile slowly fades away.

"I guess you'll never get to finish that game then." He says, faking a voice of sadness."What a shame. It gets so good too."

"Come on Zayn." Harry states while shoving his face into the side of his neck, tickling him in the process.

"I'm just fucking with you kid. I don't want anything." He says with a laugh as he shoves his head away from him.

"You're the best and the worst." Harry tells him before kissing his cheek.

Currently, Zayn is at Harry's apartment as they try to give baking a shot. They would have went to a baking class but Zayn did not want to deal with another Liam. They are attempting to make oatmeal cookies. They had argued about which ones to make seeing as Zayn preferred them plain while Harry preferred them to be chocolate chip. They came to an agreement of cooking six of each preference. Zayn had to take the bag of chocolate chips away from him at one point because he wouldn't stop eating out of it. The kitchen is a complete wreck as of now. There are oatmeal flakes and flour scattered everywhere. There are unwashed utensils and dishes laying about too.

"Quick game of how far we can catch chocolate chips in our mouth?" Harry asks, grabbing a handful of the delicious treat.

"Only if you're okay with losing." He replies, making a l with his finger then putting it at his forehead.

"Losing doesn't run in my family." Harry states, throwing a chocolate chip at his chest.

"We'll see." He says then getting in position for the first throw."Watch a professional handle this."

"Don't yell cheater when this rookie beats you." Harry responds before tossing one which he catches with ease.

"I will shout it at the top of my lungs if you win." He says, catching the next one with more ease.

"The only thing I want you shouting is my name." Harry replies, throwing a few more a little too quickly that Zayn misses a few.

"I'll only ever shout your name in bed." He says and Harry should have seen that coming.

"Does everything have to be a sexual reference with you?" Harry asks

"Wouldn't be me if there wasn't." He answers catching the last piece of chocolate.

"Yeah yeah, it's my turn now." Harry responds, handing him a few chocolate chips.

During his turn, he caught the chocolate chips a lot more easily no matter how hard Zayn tried to make it. He dives his head back for the last chocolate chip, which causes him to trip and back on his ass. That doesn't mean that he didn't catch it though. His eyes grow wide as he stands up quickly to cheer for himself. It made him feel like such a badass. In the mist of his cheering, he does a cute victory dance. Once he's done, he turns around and blushes when he sees how intensely the brown eyed male is looking at him. In that moment, he wonders what is going on in his mind. Maybe his celebration was a bit too much. Maybe he wants to talk about something serious. He is about to question it but decides against it. Instead, he gets nothing but him coming over and moving some of his hair out of his face. He stares at his eyes for a few seconds before hugging him. Harry decides to take it in as he hugs him back.

"Go ahead and get it all out kid." Zayn says while pulling away from him.

"What does the professional has to say about that?" He asks, cupping his hand around his ear.

"Nothing. You beat me fair and square." Zayn answers, giving him a round of applause.

"The victory doesn't feel as good if you're going to react like this." He states, frowning while crossing his arms over his chest.

"Would you like me to stomp around and pout?" Zayn questions and Harry nods his head eagerly.

"Yes indeed." He says, poking at his shoulder but Zayn just laughs.

"Not gonna happen kid." Zayn responds, causing his body to slouch and for him to whine loudly."I don't want our cookies to burn so let's focus back on that."

"I hate it here." He replies as Zayn starts to feel a little funny.

"Just move then." Zayn says before covering his mouth with his inner elbow as he coughs.

"You know what I mean." He tells him, wanting to smack him upside that beautiful head of his.

"I'm just going to sit on the couch for a bit." Zayn says before leaving the kitchen with a sigh.

"I swear I'm always doing majority of stuff when we do activities together." He states, cleaning up a bit of their mess.

"Lies." Zayn says before sitting down on the couch and putting his hand against his chest.

"Then why are you sitting on the couch right now?" He questions, turning off the oven just when the timer rings for their cookies.

"I..." Zayn goes to say but his voice was too low for him to hear and he doesn't get a chance to finish as his eyes roll to the back of his head.

"Zayn?" He says, popping his head around the corner."This isn't funny."

He comes over to him and scoffs at him for trying to play sleep. Without a second thought he kicks his foot but still nothing. He starts to shake his shoulder hard but doesn't get a response. Instead, his body just tips over and he falls on his side. He puts his finger under his nose only to find that he isn't breathing. That can't be right. Placing his hand upon his chest, he gets a very faint heartbeat. Panic starts to settle in when he sees how serious this is. How the hell did this happen? He was fine a few seconds ago. Though he wants to figure it out, he decides to do that after he gets him to a hospital. After rushing to grab his shoes, keys, and jacket, he gets Zayn up as best as he can. Once they are out of the apartment, he gets him into the car then starts to drive. Throughout the drive, he keeps glancing at Zayn in hopes that he'll wake up and everything will be fine.

"Zayn please get up!" He cries, patting him on the thigh as he drives as fast as he can."You have to get up!"




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