Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

*Author's P.O.V*

Luke 🤗


Holy shit hi Lukey pukey.

Just when I thought you
forgot about that name.😮‍💨😮‍💨

I'll never forget it as long as I
shall live.😊😋😊

That's not great to know at all.🙃

Yeah yeah. What made you
decide to text me?

Just a little check up.

That's sweet. Well I've been fine.

That's good to know. I've been
good too. Trying to get myself
back out there.

That's so great to hear.😊😊

Not really because everyone is
afraid to meet someone online
for dates with that serial killer
running rampant. 😔

That's kind of good because I
wouldn't want you to get

I didn't know you cared about
me that much.😭

Annnnnd you lost any ounce
of care I had for you.

Wow. Just for that imma go find
the killer so he can take me out.

He only kills attractive people

I'm glad we didn't work out. I
wouldn't have to put up with
this abuse everyday.

Truth does not equal abuse.

I feel sorry for your prince

You shouldn't.

How are things with you and
him anyway?👀👀

Things are great between me
and him.

No baby mama trying to pop up
and make him pay child support,
no cheating scandal, or no secret
gang member stuff going on with

Hell no, definitely not, and
absolutely not.💀😂💀

Couldn't help but to ask. Can
never know with men. They
crazy out here.👀🤷

You do know you're a man
yourself right?

No. I identify as an alien.👽

You can still be a man and an

My pronouns are get/bitches.🤪😜

I should have never responded
to your text if it was going to lead
to this.

I think that this is a pretty
normal conversation. 😁

Nothing about this screams

We have two different
definitions of normal.

Annnnnyyyywaaaayyys, I think
we should meet up somewhere
to really catch up.

Got any place in mind?

Want to catch up at Panera

Sounds good to me.

Are you free this Thursday

Freer than a bird.

Then it's a date. Get it? 😉😉

Don't ever try to be funny
again. 🤢🤮

I swear you are my biggest

Someone gotta be.

No, someone doesn't have to be.

Well, I got to go. I got some
renovation and deep cleaning to

Aren't you forgetting something?

No? I don't think so?🤔

A selfie.😭😭

Wouldn't that be weird seeing as
you have a boyfriend?

Friends send each other selfies

Repaint your nails immediately please

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Repaint your nails immediately

See, I shouldn't send you selfies
if you're just going to critize me.

No no no. I'm sorry. You look very

Do you mean that?

Of course. I even like the hair
trim. It suits you very nicely.

That makes my day better. I'll
text you later.💕💕

Okay. Bye bye Lukey.🤗




Thoughts??? This story may end at 55 chapters.


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