Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

*Author's P.O.V*

It is a chilly Sunday as Harry moves Zayn's dresser around the room. Their day was suppose to be spent with them being lazy by stuffing their mouth with junk food and watching terrible reality television but Zayn had a random burst of energy to move his room around. Again might he add. Then again that's how most of their time is spent together, with Zayn having fluctuating energy levels. He didn't mind it, it keeps him on his toes in a good way. Deep down, Harry thinks that he is using him to do all the work because Zayn mostly told him where to place things. It was like painting his room all over again. Though Zayn would deny it, he's confident that he had painted ninty five percent of the room while Zayn painted the remaining ten percent. Just as he is about to bring this up, Zayn beats him to the punch by bringing up something else.

"Do you think you can convince your doctor to give you more pills?" He asks while grabbing his bottle of pills and sighs when he notes the last two.

"I can try but I'll have to come up with a great reason as to why." Harry answers before placing the lamp where he points to.

"Or you can convince him to give you stronger pills." He suggests without missing a beat.

"Yeah, that may be the better option." Harry replies and Zayn looks away quickly with something in his eyes when he hears what he says next."I'm sorry your doctor is being an asshole about something that is so important."

That little action doesn't go unnoticed by him. That was all he needed to confirm what he's been thinking lately. He really hoped that it wouldn't have been confirmed. There is no way he can carry on in this relationship without bringing it up. Itll just keep eating away at him or the situation could become so much worse. He wishes that he would have caught on to this so much earlier. Immediately, he starts to think up ways that he can bring this up without sound insensitive or starting argument. As much as he would love to have their first argument as a couple, he wants it to be over something silly and where no gets their feelings hurt. With that in mind, he locks in his plan. He comes over and casually takes the pills from him. He pretends to look it over while walking away from him.

"How long have you been taking those pills?" He questions, the pills rattling loudly as he shakes the bottle.

"For about three years." Zayn answers and Harry nods his head with a deep sigh.

"I fucking knew it." He says and laughing while shaking his head slowly.

"You knew what?" Zayn asks because there is just no way he figured him out that easily.

"I knew that you are an addict." He says and Zayn takes great offense to that word.

"I'm not an addict. I have it under control." Zayn explains, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No you don't. You are a completely different person when you aren't high on pills." He says, motioning to him up and down with his hands.

"Name the times were I was a different person then." Zayn rebuttals and Harry actually can't believe he went there.

"I don't have to name anything because I've seen it plenty of times." He says, making Zayn want to call him out again on that but reframes.

"That's because you are mistaken but I can forgive you." Zayn responds, making hate how he isn't taking this, or him, serious.

"So what would happen if I flush these two pills then?" He asks, watching him gulp.

"Don't you dare flush them." Zayn says, sounding more nervous than angry.

"You have no say seeing as I'm the one who is paying for these." He replies and Zayn swears he could faint right now because of that.

What happens next comes so quickly. Zayn takes the bottle from him and holds it to his chest while backing away from him. He didn't mean to be that rude to him but he simply couldn't trust him with his pills. The action only makes him feel him worse when he sees the disappointed look in his boyfriend's eyes. It was as if he was a feral animal that was defending its meal. His mind starts to convince him that he won't hold on to that disappointment for long. Soon, he'll come to understand him and actually be grateful his actions. Let's be honest, there are much more things that he could be doing that would be way worse. With that in mind, he doesn't feel that bad anymore. He doesn't look him in the eyes as he opens the bottle and puts the pills in his mouth. He swallows them before letting out a sigh of content.

"This is not what I signed up for when I agreed to this relationship Zayn." Harry states and Zayn is suddenly afraid that he is considering breaking up with him.

"I know and you aren't if you continue not to focus on this." He says, reaching out to him to grab him by the arms.

"I really want to trust you but it's clear you don't have it under control." Harry responds and he can feel his grip on him tighten slightly.

"You can trust me. I've been trying to lessen my consumption of them." He tells him as he had some form of proof to help ease his mind.

"And how has that been going for you?" Harry asks, feeling his grip loosen.

"Pretty good. My daily consumption use to be very bad." He explains, knowing that if he saw his old self he wouldn't come anywhere near him.

"I guess that's good." Harry says and Zayn starts to think that he won him over.

"In the beginning, I would have needed rehab very badly but currently I don't so can we please drop this for now?" He questions and knows he said the wrong words when he sees that sweet face scrunch up in anger.

"I can't just drop this like it's something small. This is your life we're talking about." Harry replies, looking at him with disgust.

"I know that and this is something I need. You taking this away would set me back so far." He says, never wanting to return to his old self.

"Well, what about me Zayn?" Harry asks, motioning to himself by placing his hands on his chest.

"I can't give these pills up and I can't give you up. Just please give me time." He says his grip on the bottle tightening.

"Fine. Don't let me down." Harry tells him before going to grab his jacket from the chair.

"Where are you going?" He asks even though he has a pretty good idea on where.

"Home. We both need our space right now." Harry says then heading for the hallway."I'll text you later."

Zayn doesn't say anything to try and convince him to stay. Why would he when he's right. Soon enough he hears the front door shut. He prays that this won't be the last time he sees him. It can't end on a bad note like this. Things were going so damn good between them. He grabs the empty bottle then chucks it out of his room with a yell. He knows that he fucked up big time and it only makes him more upset. He's not even upset with Harry for reacting that way, he never be. No body wants to be with an addict. They steal shit, ruin their health, ruin jobs, ruin family, ruin friends, ruin love, etc. Trying to help them is very draining, so draining that most people give. Who can blame them? People already have enough shit going on in their life so why hold on to someone who is only going to make it worse. Though Zayn thinks these things, he will not let it be the determining factor in his relationship. He's come too far.




Thoughts??? I know I know. I'm sorry.


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