Chapter 2: "Yugi" vs Weevil

Start from the beginning

Weevil 2000 LP/ Yugi 2000 LP

Weevil started the duel by summoning Killer Needle, a giant wasp-like monster, before deferring to Yugi.

Killer Needle
1200 ATK/1000 DEF

Weevil 2000 LP/Yugi 2000 LP

'Yugi' drew, summoning Mammoth Graveyard. The monster, as the name implied, was a walking skeleton of a mammoth.

Mammoth Graveyard
1200 ATK/800 DEF

"This massive monster will match your annoying insect point for point." Yugi declared. "Attack!"
The monsters charged each other, slamming into one another as Mammoth Graveyard was destroyed. Rain was confused. Both monsters were equally matched, so why was only Mammoth Graveyard destroyed?
Weevil laughed. "You should've taken Rain's warning to heart. Have you begun to figure out yet why I led you all the way to this forest area? If you just look around then you will see that this area is an exact replica of our surrounding environment: one part wasteland and one part forest. And who thrives in the forest? Bugs. The strongest, most powerful insects rule the forest! So as long as I play my bugs in the forest area, I get a field power bonus. I guess you just weren't listening when Pegasus said that this tournament would have exciting, new surprises in store for us. Maybe if you were smart enough to steal the tournament's secret new rules, like I did, you'd be getting a field power bonus instead of me!"
"Oh, you little cheat!" Rain growled.
"He knew he'd have an unfair advantage!" Joey agreed.
"Go ahead! Call me a cheater!"
"Which you are!" Rain commented.
"You're all just angry that you didn't swipe the rules yourselves and because you didn't, little Yugi is about to get stung!"
Rather than be worried, Yugi let out a laugh.
"I'd take a closer look at your ferocious Killer Needle if I were you."
As if on command, the monster exploded.
"My monster!" Weevil screamed. "What have you done to my monster!?"
"Looks like my Mammoth got a field power bonus."
"I guess wasteland would be appropriate to power up a zombie." Rain said.
Weevil gritted his teeth. "The field-point advantage was supposed to be mine alone!"
"Maybe don't choose a split field next time!" Rain snarked with a smirk. "For someone who wanted a field advantage, you sure did a poor job scoping out the terrain."
"I kept wondering about something on the boat ride here, Weevil." Yugi cut in. "Why were we traveling to some remote island just to duel? But as soon as I saw this holographic display grid, it all came together. Every monster has a type of field that it does best on, and what makes this island so special is that it contains every type of field imaginable! Rain, I do apologize for not taking your warning more seriously."
"Just beat him, and we'll call it even."
Weevil cackled. "You're both awfully clever to put it all together like that, but figuring out one rule won't be enough. There are surprises hidden under every rock and I know them all."
"You can beat him, Yugi!" Tea yelled.
"Don't let that flea scare ya!" Joey joined in. "He's bluffing!"
"Really! Then let's just see how you handle this bluff!"
Weevil summoned Hercules Beetle to the field and it was immediately buffed by the terrain.

Hercules Beetle
1950 ATK/2600 DEF

'Yugi glanced down at his cards, a bit worried.
"Even with the knowledge about the field power bonus, it's too late to rebuild my deck. I guess a combo attack would be my best bet."
Rain noticed his hesitation and began to think this through herself. Despite Weevil being a slimy cheat, he still had the advantage.
"Rain." (Y/N) piped up. "Think of this calmly. Does a battlefield have to cater to a single type of foe?"
Her eyes widened. "Oh!"
"Did you think of something, Rain?" Tea asked.
She blushed, realizing she had said that out loud. "Y-yeah. Does it make sense to any of you that insects would be the only type of monster boosted in the forest?"
"What do you mean?" Joey asked.
Fortunately, Tea was much more on the ball today. "I get it. You're saying there's more than just bugs in the forest, so more types of monster should be effected by this terrain boost."
"But we don't know what monsters are boosted." Tristen pointed out.
"Well, I feel like logic would be a good start. Insects live in the forest, but so do animals, so maybe Beast types? And plants too for that matter. As for wasteland...drawing a bit of a blank, sorry."
Tea clapped her hands. "No, what you said was super important! You're pretty smart with stuff like this, Rain."
"Nah, I just play a lot of games."
The duel continued on. Yugi tried to combo Feral Imp with Horn of the Unicorn to get around Hercules Beetle, but along with getting a boost to stats, monsters played on favorable terrain were also resistant to magic it seemed, because that was fair. Needless to say, Yugi switched to a more defensive play, only for Weevil to bust out Basic Insect and equip it with two cards and had it blast Yugi's monster. For the next few turns, Weevil continued to summon more and more monsters, taunting Yugi the whole way through, and not paying attention to the set up his opponent was making.
"Weevil's got Yugi back into a corner." Tristan said through gritted.
Tea nodded. "Still, Yugi seems so confident."
"Yeah, when he's duelin', it's like he becomes a totally different guy." Joey commented.
"Gee, I wonder why." Rain thought sarcastically, only for (Y/N) to give her a look.
"Be nice."
"Not like I was gonna say it out loud."
"You have a habit of letting those kinds of thoughts slip."
"You are really annoying sometimes, you know that?"
Tea cut into their unspoken conversation. "What can he do though? Weevil's dirty tricks seem unstoppable!"
Rain smiled at them. "Don't worry about Yugi, guys. Something tells me he's got a plan."
"How can you tell?" Joey asked.
"Weevil's been too busy preening to pay attention to what Yugi's setting down. In a duel, attacking the wrong thing at the wrong time can be a fatal mistake. Yugi's letting him boast to get his guard down."
"All right, Weevil!" Yugi shouted. "I defend with Dark Magician."
"Excellent! I'll destroy your very favorite card first! Now, my pet, power up your laser cannon! Attack!"
Rain smirked, knowing exactly what Yugi was trying to do. "Take notes, friends. This is how you duel: by hitting your opponent where they're weak and easily manipulated."
Yugi smiled, hearing Rain mirror his exact thoughts as he revealed Mirror Force. Weevil had been so convinced Yugi had been loading the field with monsters to defend his life points, he hadn't considered the possibility of a trap.
"Hold your fire!"
"Too late! You've already declared an attack on my Dark Magician!"
Basic Insect fired as Dark Magician appeared. Mirror Force then immediately bounced the attack back, wiping out the entirety of Weevil's field.
"Well, that has to sting." (Y/N) said.
Rain smiled. "Did you just make a joke?"
"I can be humorous when I choose to be."
"Since when?"
"Yeah! Way to go, Yugi!" Joey cheered.
"Trounce that guy!" Tristan added.
Rain crossed her arm and continued to be their go to for information. "Weevil's also gonna be taking half the attack of all the monsters just destroyed as damage. Really shouldn't have loaded the field."

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