What do I do?

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Bakugo POV

We moved in the dorms and..-
1 Week It's been 1 whole fucking week and he still won't say my fucking name, he doesn't talk to me unless he HAS to.
"What am I supposed to fucking do Pinkie!!?" I whine aggressively.
And yes I have brought myself to the fucking point that I'm asking for fucking help. Shitty Hair convinced me to ask Pinkie and Dunce Face for 'help'.
"Just go talk to him dummie! He's finding it really hard but he keeps seeing signs that you're mad at him when he talks to you, when it's actually because he calls you Bakugo." Pinkie almost yells irritated. "You two are so fucking oblivious for your feelings for each other that it hurts to watch!" She whines dropping on my bed.
"He doesn't have fucking feelings for me! At least not the fucking same I have for that damn Nerd!" I sigh irritated.
"And I thought I was dense!" Dunce says making me glare at him.
"Not the time bro- But he has a point BakuBro.. Look we can help you, but you have to do something too. We can't do the job for you-" Shitty hair explains.
"I fucking follow him around and look at him doesn't that fucking count as a sign I'm interested in him!?!" I yell at them in annoyance.
"No offence Bakubabe, but when you do that, you look like your planning on murdering him-" Pinkie explains looking at me seriously.
"HAH!?!" What the fuck does she mean by looking like I want to kill him!?!
"You have to make other sighs and actually talk to him. Sadly Izuku is getting confused by your words and your actions. He actually convinced himself that you hate him.." Pinkie explains.
"Which is CLEARLY not the truth-" Shitty Hair puts a lot of effort on the 'clearly'
"I mean if someone would yell insults and 'I hate you' every time they talk to me I would also think they hate me-" Dunce says shaking his head.
"Whatever-" I grumble
"But what am I supposed to fucking say!?! 'Oh hey fucking Nerd juste so you know, I've been treating you like shit for over 10 years because I fucking love you and I don't know how to fucking say it.' Like what the hell!?" I say annoyed of myself.
"Yes exactly, minus the cursing and using his actual name instead.." Shitty Hair grins with a thumbs up.
"ARRGGG-" I growl hitting my head on the wall.
"Stop being a pussy and confess already!" Pinkie cheers and I glare at her.
"Seriously tho, Midoriya is a nice dude, you should make a move before someone else does one before you-" Dunce says and I freeze.
"I'll blow off anyone who makes a move on Deku that isn't me-" I grumble.
"And what if it's Midoriya that tries to move on?" Dunce continues and it angers me on how right he is.
"FUCKING SHIT!" I yell punishing the wall.
"Bakugo, just tell him! Doesn't need to be romantic it just has to be you, he likes you for who you are after all-" Pinkie says with a small smile.
"What makes you so fucking sure he likes me back huh?!" I yell at them.
"Because we aren't dense unlike you two!" Shitty Hair almost yells annoyed.
"Look BakuBabe if in two weeks you don't make a move I'll step in, but try on your own first-" Pinkie glares at me.
"Yeah Yeah whatever" I growl. "Thanks I guess" I mumble annoyed.
"No problem Dude but can we just go eat? I'M STARVING!!" Dunce whines making the two others laugh and me roll my eyes amused.
We go to the kitchen and grab the dinner that was made.
"I'm sorry I'm not good at cooking so it isn't really fancy but I hope you like it-" The Nerd appears and he bows at us avoiding looking at me.
"Oh and Kac-Bakugo I did a portion that's spicy it's the smaller pot-" He mumbles and leaves almost running and I smile at the fact he thought of me.
"Just do something already like thanking him, it would be a good start-" Pinkie whispers and I glare at her and roll my eyes. We grab our servings and we join the others at the table and we head to our usual spot at the end of the table.
"Thanks Nerd-" I say passing behind Deku and ruffling his hair in the process. I take a quick glance at him and he was blushing and looking at me which made me internally happy as I sit down with a small, almost unnoticeable, smile.
"Omg Bakubabe that was freaking adorable!" Mina squealed not too loud to avoid unwanted attention.
"Tsk- Shut up-" I grumble glaring at her.
"OMG YOU'RE BLUSHING!!!!" She yells and I put my hands over her mouth. I notice everyone at the table staring, including him- I take my plate mumbling curses and go to my room to eat ALONE. I didn't need to get embarrassed right now..


Izuku POV
I ran back to the table scared that I would anger him more and my friends were laughing at my suffering. They, mostly Uraraka, were doing jokes that made me glare at them flustered.
"Thanks Nerd-" A deep voice says to me as he ruffles my hair making me blush madly and freeze. I stared as the blond continues his way catching a glance at me and I SWEAR I saw a smile. WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!? He actually talked to me without swearing, without yelling and without glaring at me.
"What was that?" Uraraka asked squealing.
"I-I don't kn-" I was cut in my stuttering.
"OMG YOU'RE BLUSHING!!!!" I hear yelling and when I look and see Kacchan putting his hands on her mouth glaring at her. As he finally let's go he glares at those who were staring and most looked away but I couldn't seem to be able too. We make eye contact and he looks away- embarrassed..? He gets up and rushes to his room with the food I made.. He was going to eat it? It made me smile until I asked myself a question making me frown.
Okay what just happened?

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