Give Up?

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Izuku POV
"Move you useless Nerd" A familiar blond yells moving around me and my friend group.
"i wasn't even in his way-" I mumble making Uraraka laugh.
"What do you expect? It's Bakugo we're talking about here-" Shoto sighs.
"Yeah.. I really don't get why I still try to be his friend.. I should probably try moving on, it's not like I stand a chance.. He hates me-" I say sadly to my friends.
"Midoriya, he is your classmate, you cannot ignore him, it would affect the class atmosphere." Lida pushes his glasses up his nose as we start getting in the class room.
"He didn't say ignore him, he just wants to stop trying to be close friends with him-" Uraraka explains.
"Midoriya I do not believe he hates you." Shoto points out in a monotone voice. "I will do something, and when I do this look at his reaction." Shoto says I nod. He then gives a kiss on my cheek making me go bright red.
"Wha-" I stutter
"Now look at him." Todoroki says and I look at Kacchan who was glaring at us across the classroom with Kirishima talking to him.
"No physical contact on school grounds" Lida says doing his famous arm movement making us laugh.
"Okay Lida-kun" I giggle. "But Todoroki, it doesn't mean anything, for all I know maybe he was already glaring at me" I explain to him sadly trying to get my hopes up uselessly.
"And I thought Shoto-kun was dense-" Uraraka sighs shaking her head.
"What do you mean?" I ask tilting my head.
"Please take your seats." It was our homeroom teacher who was lazily getting inside the classroom. I didn't get my answer and headed to my desk, that was right behind Kacchan...
"You guys will go with All Might for training, meanwhile I'll be sleeping here" Aizawa sensei says getting in his yellow sleeping back.
"I AM HERE!" A loud voice yells opening brusquely the door showing All Might in his hero form. He then had blood falling from his smile as he goes back to his normal form coughing.
"Toshinori we told you to stop uselessly using your power" Aizawa sighs.
"Come on students we will be doing a villain vs hero simulation. Go put your hero suits on!" All Might exclaims completely ignoring Eraserhead.
We then go to change and join him on the training field. I have been working with all might and I can now use up to 20% of my power without injuring myself.
"You may look at the board to look at your opponents it will be 2 vs 2." All Might explains pointing at the board.

(Left are heros and right are villains)
Uraraka and Asui vs Jiro and Tokoyami
Kaminari and Kirishima vs Yaoyorozu and Hagakure
Mina and Sero vs Aoyama and Mineta
Bakugo and me vs Todoroki and Lida
Shouji and Ojiro vs Kouda and Satou

This is going to be.. Interesting..?


Bakugo POV

I see that shitty Nerd with the extras he calls his friends.
"Move you useless Nerd-" I yell at him as I go to class.
I go in the class and brusquely sit at my desk.
"Hey Bro!" The loud red head comes to me like every morning sitting on my desk.
I don't answer him as he starts rambling about something about his weekend. But I don't listen as I see a certain greenette enter the room with his friends looking down. What's up with him?
They go to Icy hot's desk and they were talking about something, then my blood started boiling. Why The FUCK is IcyHot kissing MY Deku!?! And Deku is Blushing!!? I see the greenette look at me quickly but when we do eye contact he turns his head quickly.
"Bro- you should make a move before it's too late-" Shitty Hair says finally getting my attention.
"What Are you fucking talking about hair for brains!?" I almost yell at him.
"Bro- you clearly like Midoriya- He's a good guy, sweet, innocent and he always cares for everyone- He's not my type tho!" He exclaims the last part seeing me glare at him. "Anyways- I'm saying that you should make a move before someone else does one." The red head says jumping off my desk not letting me reply as a dead looking men enters the class.
"Please take your seats." He orders lazily getting inside the classroom.
"You guys will go with All Might for training, meanwhile I'll be sleeping here" Aizawa sensei says getting in his yellow sleeping back.
"I AM HERE!" A loud voice yells opening brusquely the door showing All Might in his hero form. He then had blood falling from his smile as he goes back to his normal form coughing. Creepy
"Toshinori we told you to stop uselessly using your power" Aizawa sighs.
"Come on students we will be doing a villain vs hero simulation. Go put your hero suits on!" All Might exclaims completely ignoring Eraserhead.
We go to the changing room and while changing I keep looking discretely Deku change admiring his body. Soon enough we were all standing in the training ground. Mini All Might was already standing waiting for us.
"You may look at the board to look at your opponents it will be 2 vs 2." He explains pointing the board to look and I just look for mine.
Deku and me vs IcyHot and four eyes
I'll blast them off and I'll show Deku I'm fucking better than that IcyHot Bastard!

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