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Izuku POV
Kacchan looked mad, he probably didn't want to be in a team with me... The other teams start and we were second to last so we got to look at each game I take notes of all of my classmates in my notebook. The teams go on and the winners of each round were:
Jiro and Tokoyami
Kaminari and Kirishima
Mina and Sero.
We were now called so me, Lida, Shoto and Kacchan head to our starting points. The goal was stop the villains before either they retreat or they get defeated before the 10 minutes timer ends.
"I'm taking care of fucking IcyHot and you take care of four eyes." He commands me and I just nod at him.
"START!" A voice echoed and I wait a few seconds.
"Kacchan Wait!" I yell at him
"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO FUCKIND DO NERD!" He yells at me but I grab him with blackwhip stoping him.
"WHAT THE FUCK DEKU!?" He yells at me and I ignore him. Finally what I've been waiting for let me release him.
"Now we can go." I say to him letting him go and he looked confused.
"Todoroki starts with freezing the environment to slow the opponents down, if you would go in before, he would freeze you along." I explain to him using one for all to jump and with blackwhip I go to the only floor that wasn't covered in ice. Like predicted, I spot Lida. It would of been dumb of them to fully freeze the building since his quirk allows him to run faster the ice would put him in a position where he would be unable to properly use his quirk.
I don't wait for him to process my arrival and use blackwhip to hold his legs.
"I'm sorry Lida-kun" I apologize to him.
"Don't be sorry , it's the goal here to defeat the enemy" He says and I nod.
I then throw him on the wall and with one for all I break the wall and the debris fall on Lida making him unable to move.
"Gomen Lida-Kun" I bow at him.
"TENYA LIDA IS OUT" We hear yell in the microphone and I guess it must be Present mic.
"All Might could you send Uraraka-san to help get Lida out?" I ask in my ear piece, he accepts and I wait and start getting rid of the ones I could when we felt the building shake.
"I'll be okay, go check on the other two." Lida says to me and I nod. As I leave I see Uraraka arrives floating in the window..
"They're right outside the building." I jump out the window using blackwhip to soften my landing.
I see the two and they were using they're quirks at their maximum.
"All Might I think it would be a good idea to call Aizawa sensei, they could end up seriously hurt, I can try to stop them but I don't know for sure if I will succeed." I say to him via the earpiece, the two don't even look like they heard anything.
"Yes young Midoriya, he should be here soon." All Might answers and I nod.
Using blackwhip wouldn't be smart since they would end up attacking me. I then think I could use the same trick as earlier. It would distract them Kacchan could easily explode the building fragments and Shoto could shield himself with his ice. I then use blackwhip for a grip and use 10% of one for all on the cemented building. The fragments were shot everywhere the pieces were big and a few small ones were thrown in the air.
"CAREFUL!!" I yell at the top of my lungs so they would notice.
Like I planned they were able to stop the fragments and switched their attention to me as I got myself back to the ground.
"WHAT THE FUCK NERD!?!" He yells at me taking a step my direction about to use his quirk but a familiar scarf imprisoned his and he wasn't able to use his quirk anymore I sigh in relief calming down.
"BAKUGO ENOUGH!" Aizawa sensei yells at him.
"We authorized Midoriya to act to stop you two, you could of gotten seriously injured and I really don't want to file more reports then I already have to." He says tiredly not looking away from Kacchan so he doesn't use his quirk.
"Tsk" He scoffed glaring at me. After making sure he wasn't going to burst again, Mr. Aizawa let's go and deactivates his quirk.
"Follow me you two." Aizawa says to the two others motioning them to follow him.
"AND THE WINNERS ARE BAKUGO AND MIDORIYA WITH ONLY MIDORIYA LEFT STANDING!" Present mic yells in a microphone and Aizawa glares at him with a 'not the time' type of look.
"I'll go check up on those two after class.." I mumble to myself joining the other students.


Bakugo POV

That stupid Nerd thinking he's better then everyone else! I ended up just making a fucking fool of myself.
"You problem children really are going to be the death of me-" The teacher grumbles as we get to recovery girl.
"What happened this time?" The old lady asks sighing at us which made me roll my eyes.
"They were reckless during training, AGAIN" Aizawa sighs. The old lady pulls us by the ear to two beds right next to each other while scolding us.

"I have to admit, I'm surprised to see you two and not Midoriya today-" She laughs at herself. It's true that the Nerd still hasn't mastered his quirk fully so he often injures himself in training. Stupid Nerd-
"All done! Rest up an hour or two and you'll be free to go back to class" She explains "And I better not see you here for your reckless behaviour again." She scolds us and goes to leave the room but some broccoli boy enters.
"Oh Midoriya! Happy to see you here as a visitor and not a patient!" She laughs teasing him and he chuckle nervously scratching the back of his neck. "They're all healed up just need to rest a little and they'll be free to go!" She explains to the Nerd who nods before coming between the two beds.
"Are you two okay? I'm sorry I had to do that, I knew you would be able to dodge but I didn't want to see you guys get more injured." The greenette bows apologizing.
"It's okay Midoriya, I am happy you stopped us, I wouldn't want to fall behind in training because of an injury." IcyHot says calmly a half smile on his face and Deku was smiling at him back.
"Whatever Nerd, I would have been perfectly fine without having to see your ugly face-" I say irritated, but not because of him, IcyHot was all nice and shit to My Nerd.
"Oh.. okay then Kacchan, I'm sorry to drag you down again.." He bows sadly going the other side of IcyHot's bed further away from me.
That's not what I meant shitty Nerd, why did you even understand that!? Fuck.
I then eaves drop the conversation between the two others.
"I told you Sho.. He hates me-" He mumbles sadly.
No Nerd I Don't hate you! Why can't I fucking say it to you directly!? Why do I make this so Fucking hard!
"I don't know why I keep trying this hard to get close to him again.. Just the fact of hearing my voice irritates him.. I really don't see why I keep trying.." The greenette sobs.
Your voice makes my damn day, seeing your smile and your cute freckles is enough to give me motivation for working harder day by day.. You need to keep trying because I don't know how to tell you I need to hear you and see you everyday..
I get lost in my thoughts and didn't even realize the Nerd was long gone.
"You should do something before it's too late, he is planning on giving up on your relationship" IcyHot gets my attention with his monotone voice.
"He won't do that he always followed me around, he won't stop now-" I scoff trying to sound like I was sure of myself but we both knew I wasn't.
"I love Midoriya, in a platonic way, and care for him. I tried to tell him to not give up but he looked like he already made his mind up. It's not because he doesn't believe you are worth it, it's because he thinks it will make you happier that way." Half 'n Half explains and just goes back to his phone not engaging anymore conversation which suits me perfectly.
He won't leave, He can't leave me.. Am I already too late..?

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