UCW Glory or Demise 2

Start from the beginning

After the match, we see Daniel getting his hand raised by the referee as Kagerou just looks at him from behind and as Daniel turns around, there's a staredown where Daniel just raises the IC Title as Kagerou looks at him.

3- UCW Women's Championship match: Lucy Heartfilia (c) vs Yumi Ishiyama:

This match at first played off the previous women's title match as Lucy is wary from Yumi unsure of what she'll pull which Yumi takes full advantage of by stretching her a lot trying to get a submission while keeping a clear head to not overdo it and this worked wonders as at first she had a 65/35 lead.

Seeing her title being lost, Lucy dropped the insecurity and switched to picking her spots to try and reverse the predicament and gradually was succeeding as the lead was still Yumi's but now it was 55/45 only. That's not all though, as the time went on, the insecurity disappeared not just because title at risk but also once she saw that Aelita hadn't done anything by the midway point of the match, thus she started to focus more on Yumi and finally got a lead of 60/40 as Yumi was now running from behind since she was in problems against Lucy's seeming plan to submit her.

Though it seemed in vain as Lucy seemed prime to retain, Yumi started to try pushing her off which didn't work as Lucy was with an advantage and she was not going to drop the title to her which while not changing much as the match remained the same, it slowly started to make Lucy get angrier and angrier as she was seeing how useless submitting Yumi was...yet she wanted to make her tap out to put her in her place, she wanted to embarrass her at the biggest stage possible in UCW and this ended biting her in the butt as this made her make a mistake and Yumi escaped due to it and the match became much more even now as Yumi's cool head was facing Lucy's angry demeanor and funningly enough, for someone that wanted payback, Yumi was letting Lucy be the agressive one and it worked wonders as she regained her 65/35 lead.

In the end, Lucy went too early for a Lucy Kick and Yumi countered with a Kamigoye after ducking and rebounding and covered Yumi for the clean victory.

4- Hell in a Cell match: Kuromaru vs Ruairi 3:

This match, dear god this match. When Ruairi said that "going to hell" line, he meant it. It was just, you know how the tag team match was war because of all the interconnections between the 4 men, well at least there there was rules to abide, with hell in a cell matches having no rules other than pinfall or submission and both of these two locked in without any possible help, it just meant that Kuromaru would have to make meets end with his own skills in an enviromental where anything goes and without much space to dodge his foe who was beating the crap out of him and putting the hurt on him with (ie) a chain and was just aiming to make him pay, there was no "oh i've got to win" like on the tag team match with him and Halter vs Kuromaru and Touta, this was just one man beating other down and said second man judt winging it thanks to using the cage walls to gain distance and air to fly to get momentum on his side which speaking of, this match was rather balanced for all accounts, Ruairi still had a 60/40 lead but probably the reason for that was Kuromaru's skill and that he was actually trying to win (or better said survive) the match compared to Ruairi.

That said, a trend on the second half of this match was how Kuromaru kept trying with the dives off the walls or through the ropes and while it kept working, as the match progressed, Ruairi started to get familiar to them and sometimes would yank his opponent down to the canvas or with a chair or through a table to put some examples.

Still, to say that Ruairi had it in the bag was betting wrong as well, he started using some of the weapons against Ruairi that he could find whenever he was left alone (not a lot of time but still) and they actually did wonders if they were things that could be swung like bats or the chairs since believe it or not, Touta knows how to use a sword and this meant that he'd be on the same level as Ruairi with them and it showed as the surprise of this all allowed Kuromaru to force the match to be back and forth.

Not to say this was a good idea all the time though since as a knight, Ruairi knew how to wield swords too thus he could start a chair sword fight ie and win it due to superior strength and being less damaged than Kuromaru who, as we said before, had taken bumps from the dives when he had gotten caught.

In the end, Kuromaru knocked Touta with a chair and went for a ddt onto it, however Touta clotheslined him, wrapped the chair around his neck AND THEN STRUCK DARKNESS FOLLOWS WITH KUROMARU LIKE THIS to get the victory and retribution for all that he had gone through.

5- UCW World Championship match: Elias Samson (c) vs Link:

From the special entrances, we can tell something quite curious about this match and that is that despite Elias having a more common entrance than Link's (while Elias comes in some wild west gear with his guitar and a black hat, Link comes with a bit more regality as his list of accomplishments is said and then he comes down amidst the lights after lifting a sword like when in the games you lift a master sword) Elias still gives more villainous vibes since while accepting of who Link had become now, Link just gave off hero vibes while Elias due to his attire was moreso of a perspective matter since he did dastardly things, but he had been protecting UCW on the meantime ever since he won the UCW World Championship from Wario at Heaven or Hell.

This transitions into how while Link rules the match, due to his World Title match experience (and by a large margin of 75/25) at first as he knows that with the bad leg he has, he needs to ground Elias so he can't use any strength on it, and it would normally be cause of cheers when the opponent came back should they not be a bad person (or not as bad as the oppinent), this time when Elias after a long road finally started to form a comeback through force and even managed to put Link overtime at a 75/25 disadvantage, the crowd booed him.
He had taken the long road to get back in the match and Elias still got booed against Link who had it is easy initially, that's how particular this match was.

Then, the roles reversed as while crowd reactions remained the same, now Elias had the clear advantage over Link who was pretty much on one leg by the last quarter of the match and Link had to work from underneath to not lose and mount a comeback and boy did he need to work for it, with Elias firmly in control due to strength that matched Link's, getting him in holds with a bad leg was harder than you'd think as Elias could just target the limb and turn things back around.
But through perseverence and refusal to give up, Link kept coming and coming till after a lariat, he managed to get the flow going with big move after big move as he knew his match was running out and he managed to force the match into a back and forth state thanks to it.

The finishing stretch saw some tension as Link struck the Linkdrop but Elias kicked out at 2.5, then Elias managed to duck under a big boot from Link meant to sey him up for another Linkdrop, struck the Drift Away and Link kicked at 2.99.
Then Elias tried once more to work Link's legs via first trapping him an abdominal stretch of sorts so that he could stomp his legs, which ended up backfiring as Link with a desperation move managed to lift Elias after escaping and brainbuster him before hitting one last Linkdrop for the 3 count and clean victory.

After the match, we see how Link and Elias just lay in the mat and Link offers  a hand of respect to his opponent who was rolling out of the ring and after a moment of hesitation, Elias shakes Link's hand before now rolling out of the ring and heading backstage as the crowd cheers Link and he is just given the World Title as he gets to his knees and the show comes to an end.

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