UCW High Impact #36

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1- SAO with Lisbeth and Asuna vs Mako and Ryuko: The story of the match was basically SAO keeping Mako away from Ryuko so they could have an easier path to victory considering they had a 65/35 advantage against Mako and the match turned back and forth (or even controlled 60/40 if Ryuko was facing Sinon) whenever Ryuko got tagged in. Something else that also came into play on the second half of the match was how Mako and Ryuko used their teamwork to fight back and even control the match 65/35 whenever they got to do so. In the end, an Red End/MKO combo on Sinon and Ryuko covering her afterwards got Ryuko and Mako the clean victory. After the match, we see how Ryuko and Mako say that although they might have failed last time, they wanted another shot at the Women's Tag Team Titles and they wanted it one on one without anyone else getting involved on it since their teamwork is still good as they have just seen and they believe they can beat Fairy Tail if there's no one else is involved.

2- We see Fairy Tail appearing on backstage and Lucy saying that they aren't afraid of a team who only has one member who is actually capable of winning a match. Then Erza continues by saying that the other half of their next challengers is someone who might be crafty and cheats in a way to help her buddies but that when she's in the ring, the cheating won't matter since she and Lucy have proven against Arcadia Business that it doesn't matter how much you cheat, you won't beat Fairy Tail that way and that considering how a tag team is composed of two people....well that doesn't say good volumes for Cinder and Emerald because with all due respect, only Emerald and Neo would be threats to their titles but the title match is locked on with Cinder being the one challenging with Emerald against them so there's no way they're leaving with the titles. Afterwards we see Lucy saying "Was that cockyness Erza?" with a smile and Erza answering "That's not cockyness, that's truth Lucy. I'll always try to not be cocky like you are." with a stern face before leaving as Lucy is saying "Come on Erza, don't be like that!" while following her.

3- Rachel Amber with ABA vs Weiss with Team RWBY: The match was controlled by Rachel 60/40 whenever Weiss couldn't slow down the pace of the match with technical wrestling so she could think what to do since on those moments, Weiss had an 70/30 advantage. In the end, an Amber Combustion (Exploder Suplex) got Rachel the clean victory. After the match, we see Rachel saying that she and her buddies have thought of an interesting thing to do with the Women's Tag Team Title picture: A Title chase!. Basically, it'd consist of a triple threat tag team match for the titles between her buddies Max and Chloe, Emerald and Cinder and Fairy Tail with the team pinned or submitted being eliminated and the other two teams (champions and the team not submitted nor pinned) facing at the next ppv "No Way Out?". The segment ends with Arcadia Business leaving as Fairy Tail are arguing about qhether to accept the proposition or not since Lucy says it's dumb to put their titles on the line on a triple threat AGAIN and Erza is saying that they pulled it off before and they can pull it off again before also saying that this is her punishment since she needs to be humbled and whether is this match or the one at the ppv, she (Erza) hopes that they lose the titles so she (Lucy) is humbled and this cockyness disappears and then we have a staredown between Lucy and Erza before Wendy separates them.

4- We see how on the ring Daisy says that Ino might be good outsmarting people and all but that it won't matter at all since just like the others, Ino will fail to defeat her and she'll walk into Glory or Demise as the Openweight Champion. She sure as hell has to be believes that because having reigned for 9-10 months is no easy task for anyone considering only she and one other champion have reigned for THAT long on the singles titles side.

5- Charlotte with Anri vs Megumin with 4 Idiots (Darkness and Aqua): The match was a spotfest and back and forth and fully composed of high-flying moves plus showing how Megumin despite being small and all, she had a fire inside of her that wasn't easy to put down. In the end, a Super Facebuster (Charlotte did this because Megumin had kicked out of a normal one already) from the top rope got Charlotte the clean victory. After the match, we see how R Evolution ask for a match against Ryuko and Mako since they know how high they are on the rankings and they believe that by defeating them, not only they get a better record but who knows and they might get inserted into a contendership match like it happened to Cinder and Emerald considering that Mako and Ryuko have one of the best records in the division.

6- We see Sonya saying that Darkness might be tough and all that she wants to say but that being a militar teaches you to be a tough person, tougher than most and she's gonna proce that she's as tough as Darkness if not more by retaining her title.

The show ends with Sonya leaving as she just lifts her Women's Title, not acknowledging anything or anyone else, and Darkness watches on from a TV Monitor.

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