Banri and Zange vs Mario Bros (Half 2)

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Week 7:

*Conversation between Mario and Zange*

Mario: First off, congratulations on beating Luigi. 2nd, why are you saying you have to beat me to stop me from turning into a Banri when i'm better than him?.

Zange: Because this is for the sake of your brother so that he doesn't end up like me stuck with someone who's trying to force them to be a way they don't want to be.

Mario: Well you don't need to worry because i would never force my brother to do any of those things that Banri does.

Zange: Can we be sure about that though?.

Mario: Why do you ask that?. I'm not longer a bad guy so---

Zange: I was thinking of how Luigi turned on you and exiled you fron that company you, him and Link first met in. As everyone says, time heals all wounds. However, is that true with you?.

Mario: Of course it is, yes i was angry at Luigi when he turned on me but we patched it up overtime and became a tag team once again.

Zange: There's the word i was expecting "patched" not "fixed it" "patched".

Mario: So ever what?. I said patched what's the big deal?.

Zange: Well, when you patch something up what you're doing is just keeping it temporarily together till you can find a permanent solution.

Mario: You're not about to say what i think you're about to say.

Zange: Yes i am Mario, between your behaviour, even if deserved, towards Banri and you patching up your relationship with Luigi after those wars you both had in the are starting to show signs of relapse.

Mario: Relapse???. But i was trying to better Banri so that he has a better career!.

Zange: All nice and everything but you don't just tell someone to be what they need to be to be succesful rather than what they want to be when you have the luxurity of both of those things!

Mario: But---.

Zange: And that is not all, think about it, Luigi controlled your destiny to the point of getting you exiled!. So considering how you're acting right now, i would say you're trying to do the same to him in revenge for that incident by controlling his fate because think about it, even if i had a hand on it, you were the one that basically made me question you to Luigi and that led to our match. Heck, Luigi resisted for a few seconds before giving me a handshake which is something i wouldn't expect from someone who has gotten over her evil moment.

Mario: And so what?. You still were the one who wanted the match so how do we know this isn't a plan of both you and Banri to get me and Luigi as the bad guys once again?.

Zange: Fair, from Banri it IS plausible, however remember you are chatting with me right now and not him and remember what i said earlier of you pretty much being the reason it has gotten to this point!. You were the one to be harsh to Banri which felt odd for me which led to my discussion with Luigi that led to our match last week. Essentially, you are controlling not just my and Banri's future even if temporarily like Banri is doing a lot but rather you are doing the same to Luigi and with the patched and not permanently fixed grudge makes sense.

Mario: So what is the point of this match?.

Zange: I have to beat you to stop you from down the line becoming as bad if not worse than Banri and controlling Luigi for his past actions because no one deserves that.

Mario: I still think you're being melodramatic but i'll wish you good luck. You'll need it.

*The part ends with Mario shaking hands with Zange albeit there's tension in the air rather than with Luigi where it was a fair handshake*

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