Extra 4: Kuromaru vs Catherine Ward

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1- *We see the show starting with us seeing on a split screen to the two people that will be facing in the main event of tonight's Extra, Extra Champion Kuromaru and his challenger Catherine Ward.*

Catherine: Let's not waste any time shall we Kuromaru?. Congratulations on winning despite the odds, however your reign will sadly have to come to an end on your first defense and this isn't because of you being inexperienced or anything but rather because you have to be punished for essentially taking advantage of poor Enri who is on a turmoil with her stable and while you may have asked if she was okay or not, you could have held off the title match till she was okay  but noooo you chose to go ahead because all you wanted was to win that Extra Championship!. Trust me, being a champion must feel really good but you still gotta face payback and if Enri won't give it to you, i sure as hell will!.

Catherine: Listen Catherine, i know that you see your punishing as good and all that but come on. You are no saint at all if i am not considering i at least backstage when i was looking at this championship felt remorse because even if i promised to not hold back, it was still wrong to take something away from someone in an already downward spiral.
However, that does bring up a point since after all, if i am no saint despite having remorse...then what does that say from you who punishes those who do evil or sees as sinners for just the pleasure of it?.

Catherine: You've got a fair point. I may not be the best person in the planet, but just like that won't change neither will the fact that what you did is done and now you are the Extra Champion and since you fill oh so remorseful about it, then i will relieve you of that pain by becoming the new Extra Champion!

Kuromaru: Wrong, i will be the one leaving as the Extra Champion since i at least feel like i must pay by myself and not by others via having a good reign as champion and you will not stop that because of just pleasure.
You want the title because of who you are, i want it because I NEED TO MAKE UP FOR WHAT I'VE DONE!

Catherine: Wow, remorse is eating you up inside isn't it?. I can appreciate at least someone who knows they've messed up even if it's too late to change it. I'll tell you what, when i beat you, i promise you that i'll not touch you post match. No beatdown, no anything. After all, what i don't do to you, you'll already have made up for due to this current state you find yourself in.
See you on the main event Kuromaru.

Kuromaru: Heh, same to you Catherine.

2- We now see Peach, Karin and Daisy all on backstage as they are serious and focused before they all proceed to speak:

Daisy: The time for reckoning is tonight. Finally karma will be served for Anti-Rebellion and their reign will end.

Peach: Yes, because they may have a common goal even despite the dissension on their ranks of helping others through fear, but we have 3 separate goals that have brought us together.

Karin: You all know by now that i want to prove to everyone that you can do anything if you try and Peach wants to be able to protect others just like she was able to do so some few times in the past which works quite well on a tag team match. However, what you all probably don't know is that after the whole problems with Enri Louvre and Alice Baskerville back when the former was Extra Champion is how Daisy wants to prove that she's still the beat around despite not having been champion in half a year and what better way to do so than to stop the near unstoppable Anti-Rebellion?.

Daisy: Plus, even if we had our rocky start, we are a solid unit with 3 goals against one that is about to implode from within itself and has 1 goal and we have people with more doable goals than whatever our rivals are trying to do!. There's no way they're leaving with the titles!.

Peach: You may have gotten one over me Enri, but now you are under pressure of keeping your team together and can you deal with that just like what you 3 did with me?. I don't think so.

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