UCW High Impact #19

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1- Angelica vs Ino with Konoha:

Announcer: The following contest is one fall to a finish!

*Cue "All Ego" by Hot Media Tag Works*

Announcer: Introducing first, "All Ego" Angelica Pickles!

*We see Angelica coming down to the ring while pointing at herself and when she climbs the top turnbuckle, she points to herself while saying "I'm gonna be Smackdown's best!" and the crowd boo her*

Commentator: Well, it makes sense why she's nicknamed All Ego.

Angelica (after having grabbed a mic): Hello UCW crowd, my name is Angelica Pickles or who you may refer down the line as the best the women's division has to offer!. Now my opponent is someone who'd never even get closer to being anything more than second best or heck even third best considering her relevancy in Ino. After all, when people think in the Konoha group...they never think of Ino, they just think about the one who got the big prize despite said prize being a moron in Hinata and the one who got what she wanted oh so much to an annoying point in Sakura. However, Ino never got those chances ever since that rivalry with Sakura ended. Back then she was at the same level of importance as Sakura and Hinata was the third wheel. Now she's the third wheel because she did the one thing she shouldn't have done...become a good person.

*We now see Ino coming down with a mic to cheers from the crowd and with "Wasting Eternity" by Burning Everafter playing on the background*

Commentator: Finally!.

Ino (sarcastic): Great job, you said something no one at all knows.

*We see Ino roll her eyes*

Ino (no longer being sarcastic): I can see you have lots of confidence and all but do you have the skill to back it up on your own?. I mean, your modus operandi has always been using help from others to get what you want. Yet now you're alone.

*We see Ino using her size advantage by just staring down at Angelica as she gets closer to her*

Ino: I don't think you can beat me. As a matter of fact, i don't think you will be worth something seeing how you're just ego who thinks they're the next big thing when they aren't and they will never be!.

*We now see Angelica trying to shove Ino but barely moving her since Angelica isn't that strong*

Ino: Nice try little girl, come on, try again.

Angelica: You think this is funny, well i'll give you funny!.

*We see Angelica dropkicking Ino to the ground to start the match off*

Commentator: And here we go!

Important moment 1 (out of 2) of the match:

*We see Ino having Angelica grounded on the ring mat with headscissors*

Ino: Come on Angelica, do something!. Didn't you say you were gonna be this division's best down the line?.

*We see the crowd's cheers turn into boos as Angelica is trying to free herself from the head scissors but going back to cheers once Ino manages to trap Angelica in an armbar*

Ino: I can do this all day Angelica, if you want something done, do it yourself!

*We see Angelica crawling towards the ropes while Ino made more and more pressure on her arm to force the tap out*

Commentator: Will she make it there---

*Angelica manages to put her free hand on the ropes to force a rope break and make Ino release her as the crowd boos*

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