UCW Road To Heaven or Hell 1: Waluigi

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*we see Waluigi sitting in a couch reflecting at something before he notices the camera*

Waluigi: So, finally the match that should have happened ages ago is happening. Yours truly, Waluigi, vs Netnobody. Listen, hear me out i understand everyone has to look after number one. However, in this case i don't like it one bit. Since it means that Netnobody could come back from out of nowhere and take the spotlight again despite him having done jack shit to earn it!. Like, if the guy at least done something once he had taken the spotlight off of me, at least one could say that he's earned it but nope the dude has been silent and done nothing ever since that long time ago. Meanwhile, i have been in UCW trying to get opportunities and even if things haven't always been going well for me think about it!. I have an future Inteecontinental Championship match earned...not given...EARNED after i defeated that little smartass known as Renamon at UCW Genesis.

*Waluigi now gets up staring at the camera with an angry look on his face*

Waluigi: Basically what i am saying is that Netnobody doesn't deserve to be in the spotlight that Heaven or Hell gives because he hasn't earned it!. And come that date, i am making Netnobody change his name to simply "Nobody" like what he is right now: A nobody. After that, it will finally be what it should have been all those years ago: WALUIGI TIME!

*Waluigi does his traditional "WAHAHAHA" laugh before leaving to end the segment*

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