Interview with Peach

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*We see Peach sitting down with an interviewer on the inside of a room with two sofas and her greeting the interviewer politely*

Interviewer: So, Princess Peach is it?.

Peach: Drop the formalities please, i am a princess but i don't like to show it off even if i will still be a responsable princess compared to Daisy who totally rejects that image, no offense to her.

Interviewer: Anyways, this interview is to tell everyone who you are because yes, we know a lot about you since you are probably one of the most known names in video game history but maybe we don't know everything that we can know as long as we don't overstep your boundaries.

Peach: *shakes hands in dismissal* Oh don't worry. I won't get angry at you. As per who i am, everyone knows i am a damisel in distress almost all the time barring one or two occasions.
However, what they don't know is that those two times where i was the one saving and not the damisel in distress made me think about how good it felt to be the one saving people and when thinking of how to be that more than often...i thought of how Daisy would never be able to be captured by anyone since she is an athlete who can take out anyone who steps in her way pretty much and thus if Bowser tried to go after her, she'd probably beat him.

Interviewer: What is the point of saying this?.

Peach: Simple, albeit all you have seen me do is motivate Daisy on screen, off screen i have been training with her so i can in the future not depend on her or anyone else by that matter because i feel bad for them having to save me all the time.

Interviewer: So if i get it want to help others by not letting them help you?.

Peach: When you phrase it that way it sounds bad, i know. But trust me, i want the best for everyone and myself.
And the only way to do so is by training on how to defend myself si they don't have to save me anymore.

Interviewer: So you wanna step out of the stereotype now that i think about it.

Peach: That's---, i actually never thought about it that way. I will still be the same Peach only that i will be able to defend myself and not bother others with saving me. So, yeah, even if i do not keep the D.I.D part of the stereotype, i will still act like a princess should so the stereotype on that aspect will still be there for me.

Interviewer: That's quite the mindset. I wish you luck on it and thanks for coming to the interview.

Peach: It was nothing. Goodbye, hopefully if you interview me again i will have learned how to defend myself well enough.

*The segment ends with Peach leaving the interviewing room*

UCW Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora