UCW High Impact #18

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1- UCW Openweight Championship N1 Contender's match: Yoko vs Sandy: The match had a simple story with Yoko being forced to go the high-flying route since Sandy decided to use strong style wrestling which basically made it very risky to try and lock Sandy on a submission since the moment Sandy freed herself from one of those, she'd be at her range. The match was controlled by Sandy 65/35 since while Sandy was comfortable fighting in the strong style, Yoko wasn't so much on the high-flying style and it showed. In the end, a Penalty Kick got Sandy the clean victory.

2- We see Leomon saying that the only reason Wario is a champion just like him, it's because of him and Renamon deciding to not let the match get restarted. Otherwise, Wario would have lost the title definitely rather than being in this weird position of there being two co-champions. Finally Leomon says that at Money Above All, he's proving what he says is truth by defeating Wario and becoming the undisputed UCW Champion.

3- UCW Women's Tag Team Championship N1 Contender's match: Lyoko Warriors vs Ryuko and Mako: The story of the match was simple with Yumi and Aelita having problems to finish off the match since while they did an strategy of keeping Mako away from Ryuko...Mako's energy caused that she was still a problem even if not as big as Ryuko was whenever she got tagged in. Btw, whenever Lyoko Warriors were facing Mako they had a 70/30 advantage whereas when facing Ryuko the match coyld either be controlled by Ryuko 60/40 or be back and forth. The match ended after Ryuko connected the Red End on Yumi and covered her for the clean victory.

4- UCW Cruiserweight Championship N1 Contender's match: Darwin Watterson with Gumball Watterson vs Yukiteru with Yuno: This was one match rather clean since Darwin and Yukiteru were evenly matched and the match was back and forth AND with both having managers at ringside there wasn't that much room for cheating. There was still some cheating from both sides but they did it themselves rather than with the help of those at ringside. In the end, Darwin connected a Darwin's Theory on Yukiteru and then covered him to get the victory.

5- We see Asuna saying that she's thankful to Sonya for keeping Gatomon away from her title and all....but that not even giving a gift to the best the Women's Division has to offer will make her not go all out to keep her title. After all, she knows that unless something miraculously happens, there's no way Sonya is leaving with the title since as good as she may be...she's not facing someone like Daisy who plays to the fans, she's facing someone who plays to herself and come Money Above All, she'll retain her title.

6- We see Jerry pacing around thinking what to do now that the IC Title match was a triple threat until Tom tells him he's got an idea which might work and it's probably the only way he's leaving with the title and Jerry just says "go ahead".

The show ends with Tom and Jerry walking backstage to a place they can't be heard.

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