UCW High Impact #68

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1- Yumi Ishiyama vs Peach:
The purposes of this match were:
-To show how no matter what she did the crowd were against Yumi and how this didn't affect her that much since she had a 75/25 lead at first.
-To show how Yumi was still trying to prove to be a threat and succeeding pretty much in this match due to the big lead that she had at first.
-To show how during the second half of the match all the booing finally got to Yumi as she'd sometimes stop to twll thw crowd to shut up because she knows she messed up and she accepts it and this allowed Peach to get back in the match even if she only reduced the lead Yumi had to 65/35 as Yumi even handicapped was doing a good job at showing how she can be a threat.
In the end, a Kamigoye (move of the same name) got Yumi the clean victory.
As soon as the match ends, we see Yumi rather than celebrating just leaving the ring while the crowd boos her as to keep training for when she faces Lucy and how Aelita is worried about Yumi as she follows her.

2- We see Yang and Blake coming down to the ring while being cheered and while Yang is more open to recieving the cheers, Blake quickly goes for two mics and gives one to Yang:

Yang: Hello everyone!. It is us, Team RWBY's Blake and Yang, and we have come here to talk about our title match against Arcadia Business in 4 weeks time!.

*After letting the crowd cheer for them, while being calm about it, Blake starts to speak*

Blake: Moving onto the matter at hand, we'd like to say that we are gonna win against Arcadia Business because while they may be the sole team to have beaten Fairy Tail's Erza and Lucy, they didn't exactly win clean to do so so in their (or at least her) eyes, they may deserve the titles after how they proved it against the Angels of Death but it doesn't mean that they are the odds on favourites because they're facing the one team that made Lucy of all people give a handshake to which is impressive considering how annoying Lucy is as of late.
And if they managed to get close to the titles to the point where they obtained a handshake from someone like Lucy...then what can a team who needed outside help and cheating to beat them do against them?.

*Here Arcadia Business' Chloe Price and Rachel Amber come down to the ring while being booed and we see how Rachel has to talk down Chloe so she doesn't strike anyone*

Chloe: You think you are funny saying that you got something shocking out of being so good in the ring right?.
Well, us in Arcadia Business also got Lucy to make something so shocking that no one expected, we silenced her!.
For once she didn't do anything but just leave!.

Rachel: You may not like how we operate but the matter at hand is the next, we see CAW as a business we can make profit off and just like you both we achieved something quite crazy due to how good we were in the ring so i'd say we still have the upper hand considering we ACTUALLY beat Fairy Tail and you didn't.

Yang: You mean you got lucky and then screwed them over.
Because i see R Evolution doing it for "the evolution" and you all cheating at Glory or Demise showing that you couldn't beat them fair and square so you cheated.

Rachel: Like i said, it was business---.

Yang: Screw your business already, you are the Women's Tag Team Champions and yet you're not proud at being champions but just see it, probably, as a way to profit.
Well not anymore because come Episode 72, we are gonna take those titles off you both.
So keep them warm for us okay?.

*This makes Chloe lose it and attack Yang who fights back and the fight lasts a couple of seconds before Chloe is pulled back by Rachel*

Yang: I didn't need your help Amber, i could have taken her down by myself.

Chloe: You're so eager to show that so why don't you do it then?. Me vs you, Episode 70!.
I will show you how Arcadia Business stands a chance against you both!.

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