UCW No Way Out 2 Pre Show

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Extra Tag Team Championship match:
Peach and Karin Yuuki (c) vs Angels of Death (Alice Angel and Rachel Gardner):
This match initially was straight forward with the champs isolating Rachel from Alice due to her being the weaker of the two challengers and it working quite well due to Karin mostly since while Peach was good at using her strength on Rachel to keep her from tagging in Alice, Karin directed the main focus of damage in teamworking due to her expertise at that by having double moves on Rachel's legs so that if she tried to move to tag, it would take time for her to reach Rachel and it worked splendidly giving the champs a 80/20 advantage.

However, all it took was Peach accidentally booting Karin off the ring apron for Rachel to try to get the tag, Peach grabbed her but due to the bad legs all this caused was a reflex kick out of pain which did no wonders for Rachel but allowed her to finally tag Alice in and from here on out the match got interesting as while Alice was fighting essentially a 2 on 1 situation due to Rachel not being good enough to get back in the match, Karin was still recovering from the big boot Peach gave her on accident thus this was one on one and recall that while Peach and Karin had been tagging in and out, they had been in the ring about the same time as Rachel was whereas Alice Angel was fresh!. Essentially, Alice had the stamina advantage and she used it to go full speed rather than using her strength on Peach and managed to gain a lengthy 70/30 lead and tried to finish the match ASAP before Karin recovered and almost achieved it had Karin not broken up a pin just in the nick of time.

From then on the match turned initially back and forth as Karin and Peach were tired compared to Alice but they had the number's game on their side, before overtime it slowly became theirs to take as the damage accumulated and the stamina wasn't enough to keep Alice in the game even if she still wasn't as blown out as Rachel.

In the end, Peach finished off Alice with an Frontwards Samoan Drop and covered her to get the clean victory.

Rundown of the card:

*We see an announcer with a mini tb behind him and a microphone in his hand*

Announcer: Hello everyone and welcome to the No Way Out match card rundown. We've got 4 matches in the card so let's run it down.

*First we see the match card for the Steel Cage match between Shovel Knight and Edward Mason*

Announcer: To kick us off, we've got a grudge match inside of a steel cage between Shovel Knight and Edward Mason. This started when after a loss to the Wattersons in a 2 out of 3 falls tag team match Shovel Knight held his end of the deal of trying to do things the Edward way by turning on him and then alligning himself with Kagerou to win the Intercontinental Championship. However, as quick as that happened it ended for while Shovel Knight managed to retain his title in a 5 way involving Edward, Edward had fractured his partnership with Kagerou and then beat Kagerou to win the opportunity to face Shovel Knight which turned into a steel cage on the show after Pride and to top it off, Edward has managed to play so well with Shovel Knight and his hero and villain look on the world that he tricked him into doing an open challenge that costed him the Intercontinental Championship.

Now with no title at stake but possibly a future shot at said title and specially retribution for Edward Mason if he wins tonight, can he do it?. Or will Shovel Knight win and go on to possibly face off against the Intercontinental champion Daniel Dickens?.
All that can be betted on is that this is going to be a grudge match that will get bloody due to Edward.

*Now we see the Women's Championship triple threat match card between Lucy, Ana and Buddy*

Announcer: Now we move into the second match of the night, the triple threat encounter for the Women's Championship.
This all came to be following Lucy costing Ana a match against Buddy and then Goku annoucing this match and while it all seemed like a normal alliance of Buddy and Lucy against Ana, it all got extra curious after the interviews for the three participants as Lucy revealed he helped Buddy not just because she didn't think Ana deserved a shot but also so that she can guide her to success for she had no one like Ana did in her tag team partner Kiki and that even if short term it would benefit her, long term it would be benefitiary for Buddy, Ana revealed that while she didn't doubt that she didn't agree with it either for just how wrong it was and Buddy acknowledged that Ana was better than her but had no chance of winning when she'd have Lucy's backup in the match and that no one knows if she could take advantage of the triple threats being unpredictable and win.

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