UCW High Impact #51

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1- Shovel Knight with Edward Mason vs Riku with Sora: The story of the match was how Riku behaved correctly to not trigger Shovel Knight and make the match any harder than it already was (back and forth) since he expected it to turn bad for him if he stsrted to cheat and played the villain of the match. In the end, Riku forced Shovel Knight to submit to win the match clean. After the match, we see how Riku says that he knows he probably isn't the odds on favourite to win but that ain't meaning he's not gonna win. Because compared to Soul, he actually was a champion once and the only reason he didn't held that title longer was because of distractions and interferences of Kamina and that compared to Soul who has no one at ringside to help him, he has Sora to help him counter any kind of effect that Waluigi could try to pull so that's off the table and without that, Wario is screwed since he might be a cruiserweight...but he's as much of a threat to his reign as a heavyweight could be.

2- We see Goku quickly announcing that on Episode 53, GIR and Zim would face Digimon and that Tom and Jerry would face Shovel Knight and Edward Mason.

3- SAO vs Sinner Punishers: The story of the match was how even though SAO were now fighting clean on matches, Sinner Punishers still tried to punish them for their actions that basically led to Kirito getting punted by Seiji and being put in the shelf. This basically meant that while SAO were doing well in the match, Sinner Punishers were just that tiny bit better and had a 55/45 advantage. In the end, a Diving DDT from Daniel on Klein and a cover afterwards got Sinner Punishers the clean victory.

4- We see Link and Dante signing the contract for their match at Genesis and Dante saying that Link might have beaten him before but this time it wouldn't happen since this time there was an opportunity of a lifetime on the line and he wasn't about to let it go past him and then Link just says "May the best man win" and leaves.

5- Mario Bros vs Fairy Tail: The story of the match was how Mario Bros had the advantage thanks to Gray basically letting himself be hit sometimes for whatever reason which gave the Mario Bros a 60/40 advantage the entire time AND because Luigi was trying to prove to Seiji that he was ready for the IC Title match. In the end, Luigi connected the Green Thunder Bomb on Gray and covered him to get the clean victory for his team. After the match, we see Seiji quickly giving Luigi a DRH and then leaving while saying "you are not ready for this match!"

6- We see Wario entering the ring and saying that he isn't afraid of some cruiserweight that uses his internal darkness to his advantage and cheats if needed. Why?. Because he is like Riku but MORE dominant, he cheats if needed to win, he can win clean BUT he's had a longer reign than Riku ever did and never put himself in a jeopardy situation (referencing how Riku inspired Simon to do the No DQ match) like a fool. Wario ends the promo by saying that fools don't survive and Riku won't be the exception.

The show ends with Wario lifting his UCW Title as the crowd boos him

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