UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #7

Start from the beginning

In the end, Elias hit a Drift Away that dropped Minoru on the back of his head but real bad and covered him for the clean victory.

Steel Cage match: Ruairi vs Touta.

This match at first seemed to be what it appeared on paper, Ruairi beating the crap out of Touta inside a steel cage without any interference from his allies which worked well and had Ruairi on a huge 85/15 lead.

The plan was working all well even if Ruairi's temporal allies were cringing sometimes at how Touta got punished by Ruairi since even without grating him against the cage's walls, he still was pretty powerful and was focusing that onto ground n pounding Touta.

Something that Ruairi didn't know was that Kuromaru wasn't the only one of his team with Touta that could keep coming after lots of damage, Touta could do the same too as shown when bloodied and all he clung to a cage wall that he had been hurled against and then did a crossbody onto Ruairi which bought him enough time to start a comeback which even if it was short did stumble Ruairi enough each time and it was growing bigger and bigger Ruairi's downtime and Touta's chances of fighting back and this is how Touta managed to chip at the lead until they were back and forth even if Touta didn't go head to head with Ruairi directly till the back and forth state.

That said, for as good a puncher Touta was, he WAS still dealing with Ruairi who also wasn't to be taken as easy pickings as he also started to get up when in the backfoot and the final section of the match was just somewhat of an refusal to stay down by both parties as no matter what they did, the other would kick out from it which included both guys kicking out from moves that looked like finishers to a match.

In the end though, Ruairi struck Touta with a supper Darkness Follows (Wing Clipper) OFF THE TOP ROPE to get the victory in a honestly hard fought victory.

After the match, we see Kuromaru and Catherine Ward trying to rush to get to Ruairi now that he's weakened to save Touta and take him out for good (respectively) only for RyuZU and Halter to get in the middle with only RyuZU being firm on her place while Halter looked divided as he thought enough's enough but at the same time, Touta did cost what seemed to be Ruairi's last shot at the Extra Championship for a while so he had a receipt coming, but was this too much?.
Then in a tense moment we see Ruairi making a deal with Kuromaru, as long as he faces him at Glory or Demise 2 AND lets him choose the stipulation for the match, then he'll leave his more respectable buddy safe from any other problems that he currently has going after the match...and Kuromaru instantly accepts the terms just so Touta doesn't get attacked even more.
The segment ends with the crowd cheering mostly because Kuromaru finally would face comeuppance and Touta having recieved his too as Ruairi leaves with RyuZU and Halter, the latter just looking briefly at Kuromaru who goes in to look at Touta while Catherine holds guard in case Ruairi tries anything.

Women's Tag Team Championship match: SAO (Sinon and Leafa) vs Miku Hatsune and Kizuna Ai (c):

The match at first centered on well the question of how were the champions going to deal with Leafa since even if not a smashing W to get the title shot, she was harder to move than them and she could slam them easy into the ground. Basically this served as the control segment for the challengers as they had a big 80/20 lead.

How did the champions fight back you may ask?. Simple, they knew that Leafa was feeling great in control and cracking the odd smile here and there and thus they decided to play possum from time to time to get chances to fight back be it via jumping out of nowhere to double team her or letting her get too confident and THEN strike. While the former method was more effective as 2 people were still 2 people no matter how tough you are and it gave the champions a 65/35 lead, the latter was good enough to reduce the lead to a 60/40 one which considering how desperate were things at the start, it was an improvement no doubt.

Then we move to how did the challengers resist whenever Sinon got tagged in so that Leafa didn't get gassed out. Simple, basically taking advantage of Kizuna. She just kept poking at her with taunts that stung and while at first Miku was able to cool her down, once Leafa took her down for a bit and things timed right, Kizuna went reckless and paid for it as seen during the contenders match with Iena, for Sinon may not be the toughest per se, but god is she precise with her attacks and can catch people mid air. This all led to an unpredictable finish to the match as with the lead reduced to 60/40 due to Sinon not being Leafa even if the plan was working, it was anyone's game to win.

In the end, that "anyone" turned out to be Miku and Kizuna who won following a Superkick/Airound The World (Moonsault) combo on Sinon (with Miku pinning her) for the clean win.

After the match, we see Miku and Kizuna looking at the challengers getting up and offering a handshake which the challengers accept albeit telling that they'll come for those titles down the road and the champions nodding as the crowd cheers.

Edward Mason's explanation for only attacking Kagerou:

Just as it seems the feed is going to cut off, we move to backstage where Edward Mason stands, with a microphone and ready to speak:

Edward: Just in case before speaking since the brawl probably is the freshest thing on everyone's minds, i did only attack Kagerou without any intention of going after Shovel Knight and here's the explanation.

As you all may know by now, i lost the chance to go after the Intercontinental Championship despite winning at No Way Out due to Kagerou, well, i still had to wait and yet the problem was that i can't wait infinitely if Shovel Knight decides to attack him thus i stopped him.
And yet, i can't let Kagerou walk away unscathed now, can i?
He delayed me and was in good owing of receipt so i joined Shovel Knight after he lost to Daniel knowing that he'd not attack him thus he'd not be a problem no more...consider it coincidence or not but we had the same enemy in Kagerou.
Poor Daniel just involved himself and gor sandwiched between our 3 way grudge but nonetheless, he wants to be involved?. Fine by me, just be sure to not be caught by the aftermath of what we do to Kagerou.

The show ends in confusion as it seems that Edward and Shovel Knight might actually join forces?.

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