UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #5

Start from the beginning

*This segment ends with Goku saluting and focus being returned to the ring as the crowd boos this decision*

Openweight Championship Last Woman Standing match: Erza (c) vs Darkness:

As stated by Erza, this was a war of attrition as durabilities were tested and the bout went back and forth at first with Darkness as time went on gaining a lead but without it going past 60/40 which showed how even at a disadvantage, Erza wasn't falling super behind.

Some things to note are how Erza tried to play it smart and go for counterattacks via ducking and then coming up with moves using momentum against Darkness and to her credit, considering the slight disadvantage, it worked well as considering that Darkness isn't very fast, she couldn't backtrack out of her momentum's direction in time to not get slammed.

Another thing was how Darkness resorted to, when seeing that targetting Erza wherever wasn't going to cut it, just focus on the stomach of Erza with her power and it worked well as with time, Erza's sensitivity to the pain was growing bigger and bigger as it took her more time to avoid getting counted out and that bought time for Darkness to recover and roam nearby for another (ie) punch.

In the end, Darkness wrapped up things with a Running Shoulder Tackle followed by a reverse chokeslam and got the 10 count and win due to Erza being unable to get up in time.

After the match, we just see Erza looking at Darkness celebrating her title win and nodding without her knowing and then she left to backstage with some help from her Fairy Tail stablemates in Wendy and Mirajane.

Women's Tag Team Championship match's contract signing:

The contract signing goes all well on the literal meaning...then we get to the actual word exchange following it.

Leafa: Let's get this out of the way, you may have done what not many have and that's defeat Arcadia Business, however can you truly say you did it alone?.

Kizuna: And what does that mean?. Last i checked, no interference happened!

Sinon: It's not the question of when it happened, but that it happened considering that if the 3 Idiots didn't decide to fight them due to the Angelica vs Darkness match, you wouldn't have come to save them which then caused in chain reaction the title shot that led to you two winning the Women's Tag Team Titles.

Miku: You want to spice things up i see, at least we did something to help compared to you two who during the last stages of the Asuna vs Gatomon thing did NOTHING, it was only Silica and maybe Lisbeth who stood up to her.

Leafa: I get where you're coming from, but at the same time, we didn't want to meddle in what wasn't more than a closure match between Gatomon and Silica...however it will be our full intent to meddle in and cost you two those Women's Tag Team Titles.

Kizuna: Nope, you won't. It feels stupendous to be Women's Tag Team Champion with someone so known to the world like Miku and i will not let you two end it prematurely. Plus, even if you wanted to try, it's not like you smashed your way to Tag Team Title contention. After all, Iena and Anne almost overcame you two.

Sinon: We get that our performance wasn't stellar or anything of the sort, but you can't just rule us out for that.
After all, wasn't it the same back when you two challenged Arcadia Business?. You had already failed to beat them and only succeeded on your first try.
Helping rewarded you with those titles, now let us help you two out of them.

*The segment ends with Leafa trying to pull Kizuna's title out of her grasp who takes a step back before Miku interferes and cools things down as the segment ends and both teams stare the other down*

Extra Championship match: Halter vs Kuromaru (c) 2:

This match had Kuromaru on the backpedal due to the beating he took at Ruairi's hands due to the tag team match plus the fact that due to height difference, Halter at first wasn't exactly budging to his offense unless he went for the lower half which was a problem considering that Kuromaru was a high-flying based guy facing off against a moreso strength-based moves one and thus he could try something, get caught and be taken down.

Thus it became basically a goal for Kuromaru not to retain the title but rather just manage to take down Halter more frequently because otherwise, Halter would keep his 80/20 lead over him. And to his credit, considering how ever since the Ruairi situation started he was cheating him out of the Extra Championship, Kuromaru achieved this goal and managed to get through Halter's durability to force the match into a back and forth state without any help.

However, in came Ruairi to try and mess things up as a return for not being able to challenge for the title and while at first it seemed like he'd get there as there was only Touta, Catherine Ward then came and the two started to hold him back enough so there was no issue, note that they didn't take him out, they were just holding him back...not that it mattered much considering the match finish as some girl in a blue and grey-ish maid uniform came from the crowd and basically started helping Ruairi get rid of the blockers which distracted Kuromaru and enabled Halter to give him comeuppance with a Match Halter and then cover him for the clean win and the championship.

The show ends with the crowd cheering as Halter raises the Extra Championship and exchanges a brief nod with whoever this ally was, hinting that something was up there.

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