A pang of hurt twists in my stomach, but I force a small smile. "Not all demons down here are as awful as ya think. I may be a slut, but I'm not heartless."

"Don't," Alastor growls at my honest words and my heart clenches painfully. I open my mouth to snap a retort, but falter when he takes my top set of hands in his. "Don't call yourself that."

"It's true though." I mutter and stare down at our joined hands, eyes burning.

"Just because it's the truth my dear, doesn't mean I enjoy hearing it." Seconds tick by and I continue to look at our hands, avoiding eye contact. "Look at me."

His words are soft, yet commanding. But I can't look up. I refuse to see the pity and disgust in his eyes. I'm used to others giving me that look, but on Al? On someone I'm hopelessly in love with? It would be unbearable.

"Look at me, Angel." His voice doesn't rise, but remains soft and firm.

He let's go of one of my hands and reaches up, curling a clawed finger under my chin and lifting until my gaze meets his. There is no disgust or pity. Instead, fierce determination burns in his red eyes.

"When you are around me, I will not have you speaking this way about yourself. The work that you do may be deplorable, but it does not define you. Your life doesn't have to be this way." Alastor murmurs. His tone is void any judgment and mirth.

A spike of anger shoots through me and my eyes narrow. "I don't need ya pity, Smiles. This is my afta' life unfortunately and nothin' can change it. My damn tasks can't break ya! I can't even break a powerful overlord."

I yank my hands from his, a manic laugh bursting from my numb lips. Tears escape and fall onto the blood red covers, leaving dark staining spots. "Might as well request a new lingerie fer my boon, because I'm sure da other one is long gone."

"Angel." Worry laces Alastor's voice and causes jumping static.

"Sono uno scherzo del cazzo." Looking away from Alastor's worried gaze, Italian flows fluently from my lips as the crazed manical laughter rises in volume. "La mia famiglia mi odia. Non ho nessuno. nessuno mi ama. Voglio solo morire!"

My sides hurt from the laughter, tears flow heavily down my cheeks, and the pain inside me, twists like a butcher knife. I don't know why I'm crying or why I'm laughing like a lunatic. Perhaps it's failure after failure glaring me in the face. Maybe it's my shitty afterlife catching up to me, causing me to take a step back and really see it for a what it really is.

A prison I'll never be able to escape.

The neon pink chains on me put there by Valentino, constricting ever tighter. Making the mere thought of escape, impossible. I will forever see his leering pink grin. Will always cower in his menacing shadow as he forces me to take him, over and over again.

Laughter turns into sobs as I bow my head and draw my knees up to my chest. Arms wrap around my trembling body, holding me tight against a hard chest.

"Tout sera bientôt fini cher." Alastor murmurs and I lean my head on his shoulder. A shiver of surprise goes through me at the smooth french words. I don't speak French, but it sounds beautiful coming from the Radio Demons mouth.

"Non posso più farlo." I whisper brokenly. Not entirely sure why I'm answering in Italian.

"Je ne comprends peut-être pas l'italien, Mais tu le rends beau." Comes his response.

Even though I can't understand what he's saying, I find myself relaxing as he speaks.

"Pas beaucoup plus longtemps maintenant mon cher. Bientôt tu seras libre de l'emprise de ce papillon." Alastor says calmly, arms tightening.

Humming with content, my eyelids start to get heavy as he continues to whisper things in that sultry language of his.

I should learn French one day...

Is my last thought before slipping into blissful unconsciousness.


Chapter art by the fabulous: yourlocalgremlin_2278

Chapter art by the fabulous: yourlocalgremlin_2278

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~ Hey guys! I've been asked by many if it's okay to make fanart of this fanfic and in answer? Hell yes! I would love to see your beautiful fanarts if you make one. My twiiter is: AuthorMelissaB1 ~

Keep being awesome guys! = )

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