Chapter 5

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Years passed, Natsu and Gray grew up filling their days with pranks, laughter, and chariot races. Just two seemingly carefree young men who did as they pleased. At least until their parents found out what they had been up to. One example of this came when they took another one of their wild races through the building sites of Egypt. Pulling their horses back and willing them to go down a hill as fast as they could, taunting one another over who would be victorious.

"Second born, second place!" Natsu boasted as his chariot went ahead of Gray's.

"Not for long!" Gray shouted back as he urged his horses to go faster.

"Hey I got an idea, let's try going up the stairway." Natsu suggested.

"Won't we get into trouble for that?"

"Not a chance. No one will see us, all the workers are on break."

"I don't know."

"Chicken." Natsu then proceed to mock him with clucks.

Naturally Gray accepted the challenge after that. Unfortunately their thunderous ride undid a months work of construction for a monument that their father was having built in the pharaoh's honor. The weight of Gray's chariot caused wood and steps to break, spilling debris and sand, wrecking the whole thing.

"Uh-oh." Both boys said upon seeing the damage.

"Maybe no one will notice." Natsu said foolishly.

But everyone noticed. Especially Laxus, who as expected, was furious with another disaster caused by the two boys.

"Why do the gods torment me with such reckless, destructive, blasphemous sons?" He scolded them when they returned to his estate.

"Father I-" Natsu started.

"Be still!" He ordered the older boy. "I am Pharaoh's must trusted palace guard, captain of his entire forces. He depends on me for protection an he expects nothing less than respect and gratification from not only me, but my entire household. That includes my children. Yet you both choose to amuse yourselves by tearing down my tribute to him and making me look like a fool? Have I taught you nothing?"

"Father the fault is entirely mine." Gray stepped forward.

"Why am I not surprised?" He sneered at the younger boy. "Per usual, you're the one who instigates all trouble."

"No Father." Natsu spoke up. "I'm to blame. I goaded Gray."

"But it was my chariot that caused the accident." Gray argued. "I am responsible."

"Responsible?" He turned to Natsu. "And do you know the meaning of that word, Natsu?"

"I understand Father." Natsu said.

"And do you understand the task for which your birth has destined you? You are my first born, your are to one day bring honor upon our family name and household. Why can you not cease this juvenile behavior? Are you not mature enough to ignore your brother's childish influence?"

Then he turned to Gray.

"And you, why must you always get your brother into trouble? Do you not understand his position? Do you want to tarnish our reputation and ruin his future?"

"No Father." Gray said.

"I often wonder if I had been wise to let the two of you spend so much time together. It's obvious one of you is a negative influence."

His eyes were directed at Gray. His wife and their mother Mirajane then stepped forward.

"My dear husband, may I please have a word with you?"

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