Killing the Enemy

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(Jennies POV)⁠♡()⁠♡

I was sitting in my office preparing to go home  . Today is Lisa birthday she's officially 16 . I was gonna plan a party for her but she doesn't have any friends nor was she close to anyone .

I'm just gonna decorate the house with her favorite colors Black and Pink ( I had to do it 😂)

I took my keys and drove home she won't be back for the next 4 hours so I have more then enough time .

My phone rang and it was her .

"Hey missing me already" I spoke.

"I nee....d yo- ... Help " she cried .

"What happened, where are you " I questioned .

" School bathroom "

"I'll be there is a second " I told her .

I sprinted out the house and drove to her school as fast as I could passing red lights . Nothing will happen to my girl  . I'll kill whoever did this to her .

I ran into the bathroom . She was on the ground.  She looked like a mess , her hair was messed up , her top was ripped off , she had something written on her face .

The part that broke me is when I saw a scissor in her hand and her hand was bleeding . She was lying unconscious . I lifted her bridal style and took her to the hospital .

She woke up and luckily didn't lose much blood .  She told me the story and the school suspended those girls but that wasn't enough . She is being discharged today's and I'm gonna make them pay especially one of them  .

I went home with her and she sat down to watch tv . I've been visiting her in hospital for days now .

"I have a surprise for you " I told her .

"Really" she seemed excited .

I blindfolded her and took her to the basement .

I took of the blindfold and she was shocked .

I had Runjin tied up in a chair  , she was bleeding because of the few hits I gave her and by few I ment a lot .

"Why would you kidnap her " she looked at me disappointed .

" You've seen me kill a guy before what did you expect " I said putting my hands in the air .

"It's wrong "

"No it's not shes wrong , you didn't deserve that , you need to get revenge " I stated .

" I can...t " she looked down .

I walked over to her and spoke softly .

"How many times has she hurt , she a bitch and she belongs in the grave , this is the last time anyone will hurt you now kill her "

She was scared and shaking after my words .

"Kill her now "

She panted and walked over to Runjin .

"You were mean to me since day one and I did nothing to you " she said .

"I'm sorry Lisa , I won't do it again I swear , she beat me for days , I haven't eaten , plzzzzzz " she was stopped by a huge slap from Lisa .

That's my girl .

She started throwing punches and Runjin was screaming . I have never seen her this mad .  She looks like a Greek Goddess .

"You mother Fucker " and she took a hammer and threw it at her . The screams became silent .

Her face was full of blood so was her clothes . She was shaking . She started crying .

I went over to her and hugged her . It made her feel better and I felt better with her in my arms .

" I really needed this thank you " she said and pecked my cheek .

"Shit I'm loosing control " I grabbed her and took her to the room .

(586 words )

Her Possession {JenLisa} Completed Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin