Byakko, the White Tiger

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"How could you help me? As a human, you wouldn't have lived 500 years ago."

"It's a long story. How about we finish our task at hand and after..." she sighed, "we'll talk and I'll tell you everything." She nodded and turning away from him, walked over to her cousin, "Let's go. We've got three more Beasts to deal with." Her heart, that had spent months healing, felt like it was breaking all over again.

Kurama stared at her retreating form in worry, "Why do I know her?" He rubbed his chest, "And why does it feel like my heart is about to burst out of my chest?"

Hiei smirked, "Apparently, 500 year old you knew her quite well. Interesting."

"To say the least."


The group made it to the top of the stairs of a tower and stopped to rest.

"Kurama, how terrible is that wound?" Yusuke asked seriously.

"Fine, as long as I can walk," Kurama replied carefully. "Kagome did quite well, considering the restrictions on physiology."

"He'll survive, but he's in no shape to fight," Hiei said. "That means we only have three, maybe four fighters left and one of them is useless,"

"Hey!" Kuwabara yelled, "Leave Kagome alone, ya shrimp. Just because she's a healer doesn't mean you can talk down about her."

Yusuke rolled his eyes. "Maybe I'm going out on a limb here, but I think he meant you."

"Is that so?" Kuwabara put his hands on his hips. "Then maybe I should show you something!"

"Just so we're clear," Hiei smirked, "I was talking about you. I've seen what a good Miko shield could do. The damage it could cause. And her mental shields are nothing compared to my Jagan, so I know that she's been getting some physical training from the detective here. I'm sure she's more than capable of holding her own."

"So can I, you punk! You just wait and see!" He turned to Yusuke.

"What in the world do you think I was doing for the last six months while you were off training with Genkai? Letting you get better than me? Nuh-uh!" He held his hand out and concentrated. A familiar bright yellow-orange Spirit Energy gathered in his palm, "Spirit SWORD!" His Energy spiked as it shot out of his hand, creating his new weapon.

"Hey, watch where you're pointing that thing!" Kagome jumped back from Kuwabara's weapon. "Glad you learned a new trick. Now learn some control."

"You see what I've learned, Urameshi?" Kuwabara bragged, ignoring the Miko, "I don't got to use the tip of that wooden sword to make it work anymore," He giggled. "It's just my pure Energy, and I'll bet it can kick the crap out of your Spirit Gun!"

"That depends on what finger I use," Yusuke growled and showed Kuwabara exactly which finger he meant.

Kagome rolled her eyes, "Boys."

Hiei looked pleased. "Well, as it turns out he's only partially worthless,"

"Ok, wanna die?!" Kuwabara pointed the blade at Hiei's smug face.

The demon smirked. "I dare you,"

The cousins immediately jumped between them. "Kuwabara, what did I just tell you?" Kagome glared.

Kuwabara backed off, albeit reluctantly. "Yeah yeah, let him live. I'm pretty sure he'll be saying sorry after he sees what else I can do!"

He tilted the sword to the ceiling. "Sword, get long!"

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